Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Effective: October 2, 2020
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Incorporates and Cancels: Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Memorandum, “Software Acquisition Pathway Interim Policy and
Procedures,” January 3, 2020
Approved by: Ellen M. Lord, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and
Purpose: In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5135.02, this issuance establishes policy,
assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for the establishment of software acquisition
pathways to provide for the efficient and effective acquisition, development, integration, and timely
delivery of secure software in accordance with the requirements of Section 800 of Public Law 116-92.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 3
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Policy. ............................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1. USD(A&S). ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. ............................................ 5
2.3. Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, Department of
Defense. .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.4. DoD Chief Information Officer. ....................................................................................... 5
2.5. Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E). ..................................................... 6
2.6. Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation. ....................................................... 6
2.7. DoD Component Heads. ................................................................................................... 6
2.8. Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ...................................................................... 7
SECTION 3: PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................ 8
3.1. General Procedures. .......................................................................................................... 8
3.2. Planning Phase. ................................................................................................................. 9
a. Purpose. .......................................................................................................................... 9
b. Phase Description........................................................................................................... 9
c. Requirements................................................................................................................ 10
d. Acquisition Strategy..................................................................................................... 11
e. IP Strategy. ................................................................................................................... 12
f. Test Strategy. ................................................................................................................ 14
g. Cost Estimates. ............................................................................................................. 15
h. Life Cycle Product Support Strategy. .......................................................................... 15
3.3. Execution Phase. ............................................................................................................. 15
a. Purpose. ........................................................................................................................ 15
b. Phase Description......................................................................................................... 16
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 19
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 19
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 19
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 1. The Software Acquisition Pathway ................................................................................ 8
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
This issuance applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of
the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other
organizational entities within the DoD (referred to collectively in this issuance as the “DoD
1.2. POLICY.
a. The overarching management principles that govern the defense acquisition system (DAS)
are described in DoD Directive 5000.01 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02. The objective of
the DAS is to implement the national defense strategy, through the development of a more lethal
force based on U.S. technological innovation and a culture of performance that yields a decisive
and sustained U.S. military advantage. To achieve that objective, DoD will employ an adaptive
acquisition framework (AAF) comprised of multiple acquisition pathways. The AAF supports
the DAS with the objective of delivering effective, resilient, supportable, and affordable
solutions to the end user while enabling execution at the speed of relevance.
b. The software acquisition pathway is for the timely acquisition of custom software
capabilities developed for the DoD. Software programs that meet the definition of a covered
Defense Business System (DBS) should use the DBS pathway in accordance with DoDI 5000.75
but may elect to incorporate this pathway for custom developed software.
c. Programs executing the software acquisition pathway are not subject to the Joint
Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS), and will be handled as specifically
provided for by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in consultation with Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) and each service acquisition
d. Programs executing the software acquisition pathway will not be treated as major defense
acquisition programs even if exceeding thresholds in Section 2430 of Title 10, United States
Code. See Section 800 of Public Law 116-92.
e. Programs using the software acquisition pathway will demonstrate the viability and
effectiveness of capabilities for operational use not later than 1 year after the date on which funds
are first obligated to develop the new software capability. New capabilities will be delivered to
operations at least annually to iteratively meet requirements, but more frequent updates and
deliveries are encouraged where practical. For programs using the embedded software path, this
annual update applies after initial operational acceptance of the system in which the software is
embedded and should be aligned with the associated system’s schedule. Before the operational
acceptance of the system in which the software is embedded, software deliveries will be
delivered to an operationally representative environment at least annually.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
f. Programs will require government and contractor software teams to use modern iterative
software development methodologies (e.g., agile or lean), modern tools and techniques (e.g.,
development, security, and operations (DevSecOps)), and human-centered design processes to
iteratively deliver software to meet the users’ priority needs. These modern approaches will also
instrument software such that critical monitoring functions related to the health, security, and
operational effectiveness of the software can be automated to the maximum extent practicable.
g. Software development will be done in active collaboration with end users, representing
key user groups, to ensure software deliveries address their priority needs, maximize mission
impact, and undergo regular assessment of software performance and risk.
h. Leveraging existing enterprise services, if available, is preferred over creating unique
software services for individual programs. These may be procured from the DoD, the DoD
components, other government agencies, or commercial providers, and leverage category
management solutions and enterprise software agreements.
i. Cybersecurity and program protection will be addressed from program inception
throughout the program’s lifecycle in accordance with applicable cybersecurity policies and
issuances. A risk-based management approach will be an integral part of the program’s
strategies, processes, designs, infrastructure, development, test, integration, delivery, and
operations. Software assurance, cyber security, test and evaluation are integral parts of this
approach to continually assess and measure cybersecurity preparedness and responsiveness,
identify and address risks and execute mitigation actions.
j. Intellectual property (IP) will be addressed from program inception throughout the
program’s lifecycle in accordance with DoDI 5010.44 and other applicable DoDIs. IP
considerations will be integrated with, and support, all other program strategies to ensure return
on government investment and enhance competitive options for development, integration, test,
deployment, modernization, modular open systems approaches, and product support of software-
intensive systems.
k. Software development testing, government developmental testing, system safety
assessment, security certification, and operational test and evaluation will be integrated,
streamlined, and automated to the maximum extent practicable to accelerate delivery timelines
based on early and iterative risk assessments. Maximum sharing, reciprocity, availability, and
reuse of results and artifacts between the various testing and certification organizations is
l. Programs using the software acquisition pathway will report a set of data to the Office of
the USD(A&S) on a semi-annual basis as defined in the AAF Software Acquisition Pathway
Guidance located at Data reported under this pathway will be
used to monitor the effectiveness of the pathway and will not be used for program oversight.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
2.1. USD(A&S).
The USD(A&S):
a. Serves as the decision authority (DA) for special interest programs in the software
acquisition pathway on a by-exception basis when the size, cost, complexity, performance, joint,
or congressional interest warrants additional oversight.
b. Directs acquisition programs to use another acquisition pathway if the software
acquisition pathway is not deemed appropriate.
The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering:
a. Consults with the USD(A&S) as appropriate on policies and guidance for the software
acquisition pathway.
b. Guides the development of science and technology activities related to next generation
software and software reliant systems for the DoD.
c. Advises the USD(A&S) on software assurance, program protection, developmental testing
and evaluation, program risks, and other software areas as appropriate.
d. Advises DoD Components on program planning that anticipates the evolution of software
capabilities to meet the changing threats, technology insertion, and interoperability including
addressing technology gaps for DoD programs.
The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, Department of Defense:
a. Consults with the USD(A&S) as appropriate on policies and guidance for the software
acquisition pathway.
b. Reviews and advises the DoD on funding for programs using the software acquisition
pathway through the DoD’s tailored planning, programming, budgeting, and execution
The DoD Chief Information Officer:
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
a. Consults with the USD(A&S) as appropriate on policies and guidance for the software
acquisition pathway.
b. Maintains a current knowledge resource listing DoD and DoD Component Enterprise
Capabilities available to programs employing the software pathway.
c. Coordinates with USD(A&S), the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and DoD
Component chief information officers across the DoD on enterprise services, cybersecurity,
supply chain risk management, interoperability, and applicable software acquisition procedures.
The DOT&E:
a. For programs on the DOT&E oversight list, approves the adequacy of test strategies
(including the projected level of funding) and test plans for operational test and evaluation in
connection with the program.
b. Assesses results of operational test and evaluation conducted by the programs on the
DOT&E oversight list for test adequacy, and whether the results of adequate tests confirm the
program is effective, suitable, and survivable for operational use.
The Director, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation:
a. Consults with the USD(A&S) as appropriate on policies and guidance for the software
acquisition pathway.
b. Advises the USD(A&S) on schedules, resource allocation, affordability, systems analysis,
and cost estimation for programs using the software acquisition pathway.
c. Establishes policies and procedures for the collection of cost data and conduct of cost
estimates for programs using the software acquisition pathway.
The DoD Component heads:
a. Establish streamlined and coordinated requirements, budget, and acquisition processes to
support iterative requirements development; continuous user engagement and feedback; and
rapid fielding of software applications and of software upgrades to software embedded in
b. Oversee their software acquisition programs through their component acquisition
executives (CAEs) and DA.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
c. Through the CAE, consult with the USD(A&S) as appropriate on policies and guidance
for the software acquisition pathway. CAEs serve as DA for programs using the software
acquisition pathway unless the USD(A&S) designates the program as a special interest program
or delegated to a designated official. CAEs tailor and continuously improve software acquisition
procedures within their component to enable rapid and effective acquisition and delivery of
software capabilities. This includes delegating decisions and approvals to the lowest level
d. Through the DA, the DoD Component heads oversee programs that use the software
acquisition pathway in accordance with this issuance and related component policies. DAs
designate a program manager (PM) for each program using the software acquisition pathway and
supports them in tailoring and streamlining processes, reviews, and decisions to enable speed of
capability delivery. DAs are responsible for providing required program data to the USD(A&S)
to support management and continuous improvement of the software acquisition pathway.
The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
a. Consults with the USD(A&S) as appropriate on policies and guidance for the software
acquisition pathway.
b. Maintains a library of capability needs statements (CNSs) for programs using the software
acquisition pathway.
c. Advises the DoD CIO and other DoD Component heads on interoperability across the joint
force, cybersecurity of military networks, and alignment with future warfighting concepts.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
a. A rapid, iterative approach to software development reduces costs, technological
obsolescence, and acquisition risk. To allocate resources to the most relevant capability needs,
DoD or DoD component leadership will make software acquisition and development investment
decisions within a framework that addresses tradeoffs between capabilities, affordability, risk
tolerance, and other considerations. The software acquisition pathway has two phases: planning
and execution. Figure 1 outlines key activities and artifacts of the two phases that enable rapid
and iterative software development and delivery.
Figure 1. The Software Acquisition Pathway
b. There are two paths within the software acquisition pathway: applications and embedded
software. Except where specifically noted, the guidance in this issuance applies to both paths
(1) The applications path provides for rapid development and deployment of software
running on commercial hardware, including modified hardware, and cloud computing platforms.
(2) The embedded software path provides for the rapid development, deployment, and
insertion of upgrades and improvements to software embedded in weapon systems and other
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
military-unique hardware systems. The system in which the software is embedded could be
acquired via other acquisition pathways (e.g., major capability acquisition).
c. The DA will document the decision and rationale for a program to use the software
acquisition pathway in an acquisition decision memorandum.
d. Existing acquisition programs may elect to update their acquisition strategy to transition
to the software acquisition pathway or use it in addition to their current acquisition pathway.
The PM and applicable stakeholders will identify, and the DA will approve, a transition approach
to tailor processes, reviews, and documentation to effectively deliver software capabilities.
e. Value assessments will be performed at least annually after the software is fielded to
determine if the mission improvements or efficiencies realized from the delivered software are
timely and worth the current and future investments from the end user perspective. More
frequent value assessments are encouraged if practical.
a. Purpose.
The purpose of this phase is to better understand the users’ needs and plan the approach to
deliver software capabilities to meet those needs.
b. Phase Description.
(1) The planning phase will be guided by a draft CNS developed by the operational
community. The sponsor will approve the CNS before the execution phase starts.
(a) The program office and related stakeholders will actively engage users
throughout the software lifecycle to understand their mission deficiencies, required
enhancements to existing operational capabilities, cybersecurity requirements, features,
interoperability needs, legacy interfaces, intelligence needs, threat intelligence, and other desired
(b) All required capabilities in the CNS should be prioritized to effectively guide the
software development.
(c) Periodic review of the CNS should occur at least as often as each value
assessment to determine if updates are warranted.
(2) During the planning phase, the DA will select a PM and may establish a new
program office or assign an existing program office to shape and plan the software acquisition.
The PM will develop a constrained, tailored set of strategies to acquire, develop, and deliver the
software capabilities, and will obtain the necessary resources (e.g., people, funding, technology)
to effectively execute the strategies.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
(3) The program should begin developing the software design and architecture,
leveraging existing enterprise services as much as possible.
(a) The program will also consider the development environment, processes,
automated tools, designs, architectures, and implications across the broader portfolio,
component, and joint force.
(b) The chosen software development methodology will incorporate continuous
testing and evaluation, resiliency, and cybersecurity, with maximum possible automation, as
persistent requirements and include a risk-based lifecycle management approach to address
software vulnerabilities, supply chain and development environment risk, and intelligence threats
throughout the entire lifecycle.
(c) The program may develop prototypes or initial capabilities to explore possible
solutions, architecture options and solicit user and stakeholder feedback.
(4) The DA will validate there are appropriate strategies, analysis, and resources are in-
place to successfully transition from the planning phase to the execution phase. The approved
artifacts required to enter the execution phase include the CNS, user agreement (UA), acquisition
strategy, test strategy, and cost estimate. The DA may have a meeting with key stakeholders to
review the program’s strategies to make the decision. Programs using the embedded software
path align their strategies with the programs into which they will be integrated.
(5) Programs using the software acquisition pathway will be identified in component and
DoD program lists and databases within 60 calendar days of initiating the planning phase in
accordance with DoD’s implementation of Section 913 of Public Law 115-91 on acquisition data
c. Requirements.
(1) Programs using the software acquisition pathway are not subject to JCIDS, except
pursuant to a new process as discussed in Paragraph 2.8.a., but must be effective in capturing
users’ needs, priorities, and environment. The sponsor will oversee development of a draft CNS
to support the initiation of a software acquisition and use of this pathway. The CNS should be
clear and concise. Programs using the embedded path will align the CNS with the requirements
documents of the system(s) the software will be embedded.
(2) Each DoD Component will create streamlined requirements processes to develop,
coordinate, and approve the CNS commensurate with the size, scope, risks, threats, and urgency
of need. The Joint Staff will determine if joint equities are involved and will execute an
expedited joint validation process if necessary. Insights gained during the planning phase will be
incorporated into the CNS before approval. The PM will actively engage with the sponsor
during the CNS development to ensure operational and technical feasibility. The sponsor will
approve the CNS before entry into the execution phase. Approval of the CNS should be
delegated to the lowest level practical based on the size, risk, complexity, and interdependency
of the software needs.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
(3) Current acquisition programs with approved JCIDS documents that transition to the
software acquisition pathway may continue to use them as the basis of requirements or develop a
CNS to capture current, software-unique needs. The sponsor will periodically update the CNS
throughout development as required to reflect the current high-level operational needs for the
software solution. The sponsor will submit the approved CNS document into the DoD
Knowledge Management and Decision Support system for awareness and archival.
(4) Frequent user engagements are critical to the success of modern software
development to ensure delivered software capabilities address their priority needs.
(a) The sponsor and PM will develop a UA before the execution phase to gain
commitment to continuous user involvement and assign decision-making authority for the
development and delivery of software capability releases. Decisions include defining and
prioritizing required capabilities, tradeoffs of software features and cadence, user acceptances,
and readiness for operational deployment.
(b) The UA will commit proper resourcing of operational user involvement to
provide acquirers, developers, and testers insights into the operational environment, provide
feedback on interim and fielded software, support test and evaluation, and shape future
requirement details (e.g., user stories and features).
d. Acquisition Strategy.
(1) PMs will develop and execute an approved acquisition strategy. The acquisition
strategy is an integrated plan that identifies the overall approach to rapidly and iteratively
acquire, develop, deliver, and sustain software capabilities to meet the users’ needs.
(2) Consistent with modern software development practices, the acquisition strategy and
related program documentation will be tailored to what is needed to effectively manage the
(a) The PM will actively collaborate with program stakeholders and functional
experts in developing the acquisition strategy given the current environment, priorities, risks, and
(b) The DA will approve the acquisition strategy to include process and
documentation tailoring.
(c) The acquisition strategy for an embedded software system must align with and
may be included as part of the platform acquisition strategy.
(d) The PM will mature the strategy to the point where it has sufficient rigor for the
DA to approve beginning development, and will continuously refined it throughout the
acquisition lifecycle.
(3) Key elements of the acquisition strategy include, but are not limited to:
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
(a) Risk-based business and technical management approach to rapidly and
iteratively deliver software capabilities balanced against quality, security, intelligence threats,
system safety, performance, and other factors.
(b) Roadmap and cadence for software deliveries to operations including:
1. Demonstrating the viability and effectiveness of capabilities for operational
use not later than 1 year after the date on which funds are first obligated.
2. Continuously delivering capabilities to operations at least annually thereafter.
3. If using the embedded software path, aligning and integrating with the
development and fielding for the systems in which the software is embedded.
(c) Flexible and modular contract strategy that enables software development teams
to rapidly design, develop, test, integrate, deploy, and support software capabilities.
(d) Planned use of government personnel and resources for software activities.
(e) Tailoring of acquisition processes to adopt modern software development
practices (e.g., lean, agile, DevSecOps).
(f) Planned use of existing enterprise services, infrastructure, and resources.
(g) High level test strategies, coordinated with the test and evaluation community, to
validate software quality, integration and automation of testing, along with planned test
platforms, resources, and infrastructure.
(h) Architecture strategies to enable a modular open systems approach that is
interoperable with required systems.
(i) Cybersecurity strategies in accordance with the applicable cybersecurity policies
and issuances which include recurring assessment of the supply chain, development
environment, processes and tools, continuous automated cybersecurity test and operational
evaluation to provide a system resilient to offensive cyber operations.
(j) IP, training, and product support strategies; and records management requirements
in accordance with the appropriate DoDIs to ensure lifecycle supportability.
(k) The PM’s strategy to ensure that the program is conducted in accordance with all
applicable laws and regulations (e.g., Division E of Public Law 104-106, safety, sustainment,
communication waveform management and standardization, and airworthiness) throughout the
e. IP Strategy.
In accordance with DoDI 5010.44, each program will develop and regularly update an IP
strategy based on the unique characteristics of the program. The IP strategy will identify and
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
describe the management of delivery and associated license rights for all software and related
materials necessary to meet operational, cybersecurity, and supportability requirements. The IP
strategy must support and be consistent with all other government strategies for design,
development, test and evaluation, operation, modernization, and long-term supportability of the
software, protection of the software supply chain, and must be implemented via appropriate
requirements in the contracts.
(1) The PM should understand the rights and obligations of both the government and
industry, as well as the system and software architecture and lifecycle requirements, in order to
shape program strategies and negotiate for computer software deliverables and license rights.
(2) The IP strategy will include, to the maximum extent practicable, negotiation for and
periodic delivery of: all executables, source code, associated scripts, build procedures,
automation scripts, tools, databases, libraries, test results, data sets, firmware, training materials,
and any other elements necessary to integrate, test and evaluate, debug, deploy, and operate the
software application in all relevant environments (e.g., development, staging, and production).
Data sets and records should include those that support operations and mission-related decisions.
Furthermore, it should address delivery of all software components where the government will
have rights to the source code, such as open source software and software developed at
government expense; and a list of all third-party software components included in the software.
The delivery of software source code should support activities such as compilation and
debugging, and future requirements for software sustainment over the lifecycle of the program.
(3) The IP strategy should address collaboration with other potential developers and
users of software, in cases where the government will be taking delivery of, and potentially
modifying the source code, to reduce unnecessary duplication. For example, the strategy should
address when and how the program will either accept or provide improvements to software
component source code from other government agencies or to an open-source project managed
outside the DoD. To the extent practicable, the PM will avoid creating program-specific
versions of software components.
(4) The PM will implement mechanisms to ensure any restrictive markings on software
and software documentation deliverables markings and assertions conform to contract terms and
conditions before acceptance by the government.
(5) The PM will approve the use of any commercial or proprietary software that has not
been previously identified in the IP strategy before its insertion into the software developed for
the government. Before approval, the PM will assess the software licensing agreement against
the IP strategy to ensure that any government unique IP rights are negotiated and enumerated in
the contract license agreement. The PM will comply with the license requirements associated
with all IP associated with commercial or proprietary software.
(6) The PM, as much as practicable, will require that any commercial or proprietary
software used in or interoperable with software developed for the government has documented
open interfaces to allow for technology insertion, and to support the use of modular open systems
approaches. PMs will ensure that a holistic approach is used to ensure the government’s
requirements are satisfied; this will be addressed in detail in Service policy and guidance.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
(7) The IP strategy should identify technological areas where IP may result from
government investment and treat those appropriately.
(8) The PM should require delivery of all the source code for software developed at the
government expense, including all software capability descriptions (e.g., features, story points,
use cases) and all as-built architecture and design products, traceability products, interface
definitions including interfaces to proprietary software elements, and any other requisite
documentation. Delivery timelines should plan accordingly for transition to a different
contractor or to the government. This facilitates managing program risk, and supports options
for software transition to another organization for sustainment. The PM will define the software
transition plan in a lifecycle support plan and should identify the point of transition in the
product roadmap.
f. Test Strategy.
(1) The test strategy defines the streamlined processes by which capabilities, features,
user stories, use cases, etc., will be tested and evaluated to satisfy developmental test and
evaluation criteria and to demonstrate operational effectiveness, suitability, interoperability, and
survivability, including cyber survivability for operational test and evaluation. The strategy will:
(a) Identify key independent test organizations and their roles and responsibilities
and establish agreements on how they will be integrated early into the planning and development
activities throughout the software lifecycle.
(b) Encourage and identify test artifacts that can and will be shared across the testing
and certification communities (e.g., developmental test and evaluation, operational test and
evaluation, system safety assessments, and security certification).
(c) Identify the tools and resources necessary to assist in data collection and
transparency to support developmental test and evaluation and operational test and evaluation
(d) For programs executing the embedded software path, include a safety critical risk
assessment and mitigation strategy, including any safety critical implications.
(e) Include a strategy to assess software performance, reliability, suitability,
interoperability, survivability, operational resilience, and operational effectiveness.
(f) Programs using the embedded software path will align test and integration with
the testing and delivery schedules of the overarching system in which the software is embedded,
including aligning resources and criteria for transitioning from development to test and
operational environments.
(2) Automated testing and operational monitoring should be used as much as practicable
for user acceptance and to evaluate software suitability, interoperability, survivability,
operational resilience, and operational effectiveness. The DA will approve the test strategy and
DOT&E will be the final approver on test strategies for programs on the DOT&E Oversight List.
The test strategy should include information on the verification, validation, and accreditation
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
authority, approach, and schedule for models and simulations in accordance with applicable
modeling and simulation policies. Continuous runtime monitoring of operational software will
provide health-related reporting (e.g., performance, security, anomalies), as well as additional
data collection opportunities to support test and continuous operational test.
g. Cost Estimates.
Before the execution phase begins, a cost estimate must be developed for the program.
(1) The cost estimate will be developed in accordance with DoDI 5000.73. The estimate
should consider the technical content of the program described in the CNS, UA, acquisition
strategy, and test strategy.
(2) The initial cost estimate must be completed before entry into the execution phase and
must be updated annually.
(3) Where applicable, cost and software data reporting, to include software resources
data reports, must be submitted in accordance with the policies and procedures in DoDI 5000.73.
(4) Cost estimates for programs using the embedded pathway will align and integrate
with those of the systems in which the software is embedded.
h. Life Cycle Product Support Strategy.
(1) The PM will develop a product support strategy in accordance with applicable DoDIs
that treats software development as the continuing evolution of capability across the lifetime of
the system, rather than assume discrete “acquisition” and “sustainment” phases. Such a strategy
will incorporate early integration of key stakeholders and planning for supportability of the
software from program inception, in order to facilitate software maintenance upgrades and
evolution in key activities throughout the development. If using the embedded software path, the
product support strategy should be aligned with the overall sustainment strategy for the weapon
system. The strategy should consider concurrent program activities that may span multiple
funding appropriations.
(2) The strategy will address contracting for tailored technical data in order to enable
seamless transition of the software and its support to another organization, if and when needed.
The strategy will discuss how key enabling resources (e.g., a continuous authority to operate
(cATO), if applicable, automated test environments and support, or a selected development
environment) will transition to government or other sources of software engineering competence.
The strategy will include how any transitions allow for continuous testing and monitoring, and
address the need to provide subject matter experts and/or ensure all software engineering staff
are trained in the tools, techniques, and environments.
a. Purpose.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
The purpose of this phase is to rapidly and iteratively design, develop, integrate, test, deliver,
and operate resilient and reliable software capabilities that meet the users’ priority needs.
b. Phase Description.
(1) Programs will assemble software architecture, infrastructure, services, pipelines,
development and test platforms, and related resources from enterprise services and development
contracts. Leveraging existing services from enterprise services and development contracts will
be preferred over acquiring new services to the extent consistent with the program acquisition
strategy and IP strategy.
(2) Programs will maximize use of automated software testing and security accreditation,
continuous integration and continuous delivery of software capabilities, and frequent user
feedback and engagement. Programs will consider the program’s lifecycle objectives and
actively manage technical debt. Programs will use modern, iterative software practices to
continuously improve software quality (e.g., iteratively refactor design and code, reduce
cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and create effective modular open systems approaches to support
future capabilities). Programs using the embedded software path will align test and integration
with the overarching system testing and delivery schedules.
(3) The sponsor and program office will develop and maintain a product roadmap to plan
regular and iterative deliveries of software capabilities. The product owner and program office
will also develop and maintain program backlogs that identify detailed user needs in prioritized
lists. The backlogs allow for dynamic reallocation of current and planned software releases.
Issues, errors, threats, and defects identified during development and operations, including
software updates from third parties or suppliers, should be captured in the program’s backlogs to
address in future iterations and releases. Regular stakeholder feedback and inputs will shape the
product roadmap and program backlogs.
(4) The PM and the sponsor will use an iterative, human-centered design process to
define the minimum viable product (MVP) recognizing that an MVP’s definition may evolve as
user needs become better understood. Insights from MVPs help shape scope, requirements, and
(5) The PM and the sponsor will use an iterative, human-centered design process to
define a minimum viable capability release (MVCR) if the MVP does not have sufficient
capability or performance to deploy into operations. The MVCR delivers initial warfighting
capabilities to enhance mission outcomes. The MVCR for applications programs must be
deployed to an operational environment within 1 year after the date on which funds are first
obligated to acquire or develop new software capability including appropriate operational test. If
the MVP version of the software is determined sufficient to be fielded for operational use, the
MVP will become the MVCR.
(a) Subsequent capability releases will be delivered at least annually. Software
updates to address cybersecurity vulnerabilities will be released in a timely manner, potentially
including out of release cycle as needed, per the program’s risk based lifecycle management
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
(b) Programs should deploy embedded software upgrades at least annually to an
environment (e.g., development, staging, or operations) consistent with the overarching weapon
system testing delivery strategy.
(6) Programs will continuously improve or refine software development processes,
practices, tools, and program strategies to reflect them. They should employ small empowered
teams and scale larger efforts across multiple teams. This includes integrating and aligning
efforts across government and software development organizations. Continuous user feedback
and self-assessments help balance investments between short-term capability deliveries and
longer-term enduring solutions.
(7) Software development testing, government developmental testing, and operational
testing will be integrated, streamlined, and automated to the maximum extent possible to
accelerate delivery timelines based on risk strategies. Automated test scripts and test results will
be made available to the test community so that critical verification functions (e.g., performance,
reliability), and validation functions (e.g., effectiveness, suitability and survivability) can be
assessed iteratively and incrementally.
(8) Automated cyber testing and continuous monitoring of operational software will be
designed and implemented to support a cATO or an accelerated accreditation process to the
maximum extent practicable; and will be augmented with additional testing where appropriate in
accordance with cybersecurity policies, and in coordination with the assigned authorizing
official. All safety critical software standards and guidance apply for programs using the
software acquisition pathway. Programs will implement recurring cybersecurity assessments of
the development environment, processes and tools.
(9) Cybersecurity and software assurance will be integral to strategies, designs,
development environment, processes, supply chain, architectures, enterprise services, tests, and
operations. Continuous and automated cybersecurity and cyber threat testing will identify
vulnerabilities to help ensure software resilience throughout the lifecycle. PMs will work with
stakeholders to provide sufficient controls to enable a cATO where appropriate. Ensuring
software security includes:
(a) Secure development (e.g., development environment, vetted personnel, coding,
test, identity and access management, and supply chain risk management).
(b) Cybersecurity and assurance capabilities (e.g., software updates and patching,
encryption, runtime monitoring, and logging).
(c) Secure lifecycle management (e.g., vulnerability management, rigorous and
persistent cybersecurity testing, and configuration control).
(10) IP considerations will be tracked and managed, and the IP strategy continuously
updated accordingly, throughout the execution phase. For example, any changes to the planned
use of government-funded and privately-funded modules or components should be reflected in
the required listings of asserted restrictions, and the inspection and acceptance of deliverables
should include a verification that any markings are consistent (e.g., both conforming and
justified) with the anticipated restrictive markings.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
(11) Each program will develop and track a set of metrics to assess and manage the
performance, progress, speed, cybersecurity, and quality of the software development, its
development teams, and ability to meet users’ needs. Metrics collection will leverage automated
tools to the maximum extent practicable. The program will continue to update its cost estimates
and cost and software data reporting from the planning phase throughout the execution phase.
(12) The sponsor and user community will perform a value assessment at least annually
on the software delivered. The sponsor will provide feedback on whether the mission
improvements or efficiencies realized from the delivered software capabilities are timely and
worth the investment. The feedback should be informed by test and evaluation results. The DA,
sponsor, and PM will use the value assessments to assess progress on the program, update
strategies, designs, and inform resourcing decisions.
(13) The PM will iteratively develop and verify technical training materials that are
synchronized with software deliveries throughout the software development lifecycle. The PM
will deliver training materials that ensure that receiving users and military units can be trained to
the appropriate level of proficiency and readiness to successfully execute the individual and
collective tasks necessary to accomplish the mission supported by the software. The PM will
deliver technical operator and maintainer manuals required to operate and maintain the system.
Digital delivery of software manuals and automated training will be allowed and preferred.
Every effort should be made to include all updated software manuals and automated training that
are iteratively improved with each new release of software capabilities.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
adaptive acquisition framework
component acquisition executive
continuous authority to operate
capability need statement
decision authority
Defense Acquisition System
development, security, and operations
Defense Business System
DoD instruction
Director, Operational Test and Evaluation
intellectual property
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
minimum viable capability release
minimum viable product
program manager
user agreement
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this issuance.
A series of acquisition pathways to enable the workforce to tailor
strategies to deliver better solutions faster. The AAF acquisition
pathways provide opportunities for milestone decision authorities,
DAs, and PMs to develop acquisition strategies and employ
acquisition processes that match the characteristics of the capability
being acquired.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
Program backlogs that identify detailed user needs in prioritized lists.
The backlogs allow for dynamic reallocation of scope and priority of
current and planned software releases. Issues, errors, and defects
identified during development and operations should be captured in
the program’s backlogs to address in future iterations and releases.
Higher level solutions typically spanning multiple releases.
Capabilities consist of multiple features to facilitate implementation.
The core concept of cATO is to build software security into the
software development methodology so that the authority to operate
process (as with the testing process) is done alongside development.
If done correctly, an authority to operate is nearly guaranteed once
the software is release ready.
A high-level capture of mission deficiencies, or enhancements to
existing operational capabilities, features, interoperability needs,
legacy interfaces and other attributes that provides enough
information to define various software solutions as they relate to the
overall threat environment.
The official responsible for oversight and key decisions of programs
that use the software acquisition pathway in accordance with this
issuance and related component policies. The official designates a
PM and supports them in tailoring and streamlining processes,
reviews, and decisions to enable speed of capability delivery. The
official may be the Defense Acquisition Executive, CAE, or the
Program Executive Officer, or other designated official by the CAE.
Defined in Section 2222 of Title 10, United States Code.
An organizational software engineering culture and practice that aims
at unifying software development, security, and operations. The
main characteristic of DevSecOps is to automate, monitor, and apply
security at all phases of the software lifecycle: plan, develop, build,
test, release, deliver, deploy, operate, and monitor. In DevSecOps,
testing and security are shifted left through automated unit,
functional, integration, and security testing – this is a key DevSecOps
differentiator since security and functional capabilities are tested and
built simultaneously.
embedded software
Software with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or
electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints, or
software applications embedded in a platform (e.g., air vehicle,
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
ground vehicle, or ship). In the context of this issuance, embedded
software does not apply to firmware or software dedicated to
controlling devices.
end user
Those who will ultimately use the software solution. Users convey
operational concepts, requirements, and needs, participate in
continuous testing activities, and provide feedback on developed
enterprise services
Services that have the proper scope to play a productive role in
automating business processes in enterprise computing, networking,
and data services. Enterprise services include technical services such
as cloud infrastructure, software development pipeline platforms,
common containers, virtual machines, monitoring tools, and test
automation tools. Responsibility for these functions is generally
above the PM.
A service or distinguishing characteristic of a software item (e.g.,
performance, portability, or functionality) that fulfills a stakeholder
need and includes benefit and acceptance criteria within one release.
Features are used to complete capabilities and are comprised of
multiple stories (or tasks, use cases, etc.).
Testing intended to verify and demonstrate how well the system
under development meets its technical compliance requirements, to
provide data to assess developmental risk for decision making, and to
ensure that the technical and support problems identified in previous
testing have been corrected.
The ability of systems, units or forces to provide data, information,
materiel, and services to, and accept the same from, other systems,
units, or forces and to use the data, information, materiel and services
so exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together.
Interoperability includes information exchanges, systems, processes,
procedures, organizations, and missions over the life cycle and must
be balanced with cybersecurity
modern software
Practices (e.g., lean, agile, DevSecOps) that focus on rapid, iterative
development and delivery of software with active user engagements.
Small cross-functional software development teams integrate
planning, design, development, testing, security, delivery, and
operations with continuous improvement to maximize automation
and user value.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
The initial set of features suitable to be fielded to an operational
environment that provides value to the warfighter or end user in a
rapid timeline. The MVCR delivers initial warfighting capabilities to
enhance some mission outcomes. The MVCR is analogous to a
minimum marketable product in commercial industry.
An early version of the software to deliver or field basic capabilities
to users to evaluate and provide feedback on. Insights from MVPs
help shape scope, requirements, and design.
When one or more military units decides to use the software in
military operations as informed by test and evaluation.
product owner
A role on the program or development team that works closely with
the user community to ensure that the requirements reflect the needs
and priorities of the user community, and align to the mission
product roadmap
A high-level visual summary that maps out the vision and direction
of product offerings over time. It describes the goals and features of
each software iteration and increment.
A grouping of capabilities or features that can be used for
demonstration or evaluation. A release may be internal for
integration, testing, or demonstration; or external to system test or as
user delivery. A release may be based on a time block or on product
A system in which software represents the largest segment in one or
more of the following criteria: system development cost, system
development risk, system functionality, or development time.
The individual that holds the authority and advocates for needed end
user capabilities and associated resource commitments.
Individual activities to be completed to satisfy a user story or use
case (e.g., implement code for a specific feature or complete design
for a specific feature).
technical debt
Consists of design or implementation constructs that are expedient in
the short term but that set up a technical context that can make a
future change costlier or impossible. Technical debt may result from
having code issues related to architecture, structure, duplication, test
coverage, comments and documentation, potential bugs, complexity,
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
coding practices, and style which may accrue at the level of overall
system design or system architecture, even in systems with great code
A commitment between the sponsor and PM for continuous user
involvement and assigned decision making authority in the
development and delivery of software capability releases.
use case
In software and systems engineering, a use case is a list of actions or
event steps, typically defining the interactions between a user and a
system (or between software elements), to achieve a goal. Use cases
can be used in addition to or in lieu of user stories.
user acceptance
Verification by operational users that software is capable of
satisfying their stated needs in an operationally representative
user story
A small desired behavior of the system based on a user scenario that
can be implemented and demonstrated in one iteration. A story is
comprised of one or more tasks. In software development and
product management, a user story is an informal, natural language
description of one or more features of a software system. User
stories are written from the perspective of an end user or user of a
value assessment
An outcome-based assessment of mission improvements and
efficiencies realized from the delivered software capabilities, and a
determination of whether the outcomes have been worth the
investment. The sponsor and user community perform value
assessments at least annually, to inform DA and PM decisions.
DoDI 5000.87, October 2, 2020
Defense Acquisition University Software Acquisition Pathway Guidance
DoD Directive 5000.01, “The Defense Acquisition System,” September 9, 2020
DoD Directive 5135.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
(USD(A&S)),” July 15, 2020
DoD Instruction 5000.02, “Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework,”
January 23, 2020
DoD Instruction 5000.73, “Cost Analysis Guidance and Procedures,” March 13, 2020
DoD Instruction 5000.75, “Business Systems Requirements and Acquisition,” February 2, 2017,
as amended
DoD Instruction 5010.44, “Intellectual Property (IP) Acquisition and Licensing,”
October 16, 2019
Public Law 104-106, Division E, “The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996,” February 10, 1996
Public Law 115-91, Section 913, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2018,” December 12, 2017
Public Law 116-92, Section 800, “The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2020,” December 20, 2019
United States Code, Title 10
1 Available at