(1939 A.D.)
(Act No. XII of Samvat 1996)
1. Title, extent and commencement.
2. Repeal.
3. Definition
4. Exclusion of certain land from operation of the Act.
5. Power to vary limits and alter number of Tehsils Districts and Provinces.
5A. Board of Revenue.
5B. Powers and functions of the Board.
Class and Powers
6. Classes of Revenue Officers.
6A. Combination of offences.
7. Omitted.
8. Control.
9. Power to distribute business.
10. Power to withdraw and transfer cases.
10-A. Exercise of powers by Revenue Officers.
11. Appeals.
(1939 A.D.)
(Act No. XII of Samvat 1996)
12. Limitation for appeals, revisions and reviews.
Review and revision
13. Review by Revenue Officers.
14. Omitted.
15. Power to revise orders.
15-A. Power of Revenue Officers to summon persons.
15-B. Mode of service of summons.
15-C. Mode of service of notice, order of proclamation or copy thereof.
15-D. Mode of making proclamation.
16. Persons by whom appearances and applications may be made before and to
Revenue Officers.
Supplementary Provisions
17. Place of sitting
18. Holidays.
19. Retention of powers by the Revenue Officer on transfer.
19-A. Power to refer for enquiry and report.
20. Rules respecting Lambardars.
Record of Rights and Annual Records.
21. Record-of-rights and documents included therein.
22. Making of special revision of record-of-right.
23. Annual records.
23A. Consolidation of land and prevention of fragmentation of land holdings.
Procedure for making records.
24. Making of that part of the annual record which relates to land-holders and
25. Making of that part of the annual record which relates to other persons.
26. Determination of disputes.
27. Restriction on variation of entries in records.
28. Mutation fees.
29. Penalty for neglect to report acquisition of any right referred to, in section 24.
30. Obligation to furnish information necessary for the preparation of records.
31. Presumption in favour of entries in records-of-rights and annual records.
32. Suit for declaratory decree by person aggrieved by an entry in a record.
Supplemental Provisions
33. Power to make rules respecting records and other matters connected therewith.
34. Records-of-rights and annual records for groups of estates.
Rights of the Government in Mines and Minerals
35. Right of the Government in mines and minerals.
35-A. Trees on Kaslsa land.
36. Provision relating to royal and reserved trees.
37. Reserved trees.
38. Penalties.
Presumption as to ownership of forest and waste lands.
39. Presumption as to ownership of forest and water land.
Compensation for infringement of the rights of any person.
40. Compensation for infringement of the rights of third parties in exercise of a
right of the State.
41. Assessment of land revenue.
41-A. Surcharge.
General assessments
42. Notification of intended reassessment and instruction as to principles of
43. Sanction to proposed assessment and its duration.
44. Announcement of assessment.
45. Application of reconsideration of assessment.
46. Confirmation of assessment.
47. Assessment to remain in force till new assessment takes effect.
48. Refusal to liable for assessment and consequences thereof.
49. Distribution of the assessment on an estate over the holdings comprised
50. Application for amendment of the distribution of an assessment.
51. After Settlement, Collector or Assistant Collector to discharge duties of
Settlement Officer.
52. Special assessment.
53. Formation of State forests from excess waste land.
54. Security for payment of land revenue.
54-A. Exemption from payment of land revenue.
55. Further security for payment of Land revenue.
56. Orders to regulate payment of land revenue.
57. Rules to regulate collection, remission and suspension of land revenue.
58. Interest chargeable on arrear accrued more than six months; such interest
and costs of any process, recoverable as part of arrear.
59. Certified account to be evidence as to arrear.
60. Recovery of public demands by enforcement of process in other districts
than those in which they become payable.
61. Process for recovery of arrears.
62. Writ of demand.
63. Arrest and detention of defaulter.
64. Distress and sale of moveable property and crops.
65. Transfer of holding.
66. Attachment of estate or holding
67. Annulment of assessment of estate or holding.
68. Proclamation of attachment or annulment of assessment and consequences
of the proclamation.
69. Sale of estate or holding.
70. Effect of sale on encumbrances.
71. Proceedings against other immovable property of defaulter.
72. Remedies open to person denying his liability for an arrear.
Procedure in sales
73. Proclamation of sale.
74. Indemnity to revenue officer with respect to contents of proclamation.
75. Publication of proclamation.
76. Time and conduct of sale.
77. Power to postpone sale.
78. Stay of sale.
79. Payment of deposit by highest bidder.
80. Consequence of failure.
81. Time for payment in full.
82. Procedure on default of payment.
83. Report of sale to Divisional Commissioner.
84. Application to set aside sale.
85. Order confirming or setting aside sale.
86. Refund of purchase-money on setting aside of sale.
87. Proclamation after postponement or on re-sale.
88. On confirmation of sale possession and certificate to be granted to purchaser.
89. Proceeds of sale.
90. Recovery of certain arrears through Revenue officer instead of by suit.
91. Other sum recoverable as arrears of land revenue.
92. Application of Chapter VII to sums recoverable under this Chapter.
92-A. Recovery of certain arrears through Revenue officers instead of by suit.
93. Power of Government to make rules for demarcation of boundaries and erection
of survey marks.
94. Power of Revenue officer to define boundaries.
95. Power of Revenue officer in proceedings under section 94 to reinstate party
96. Cost of erection and repair of survey marks.
97. Recovery of cost incurred by the Government.
98. Power of Revenue officers to enter on land for purposes of survey and
99. Surveys for purpose of preparation of records.
100. Provision of flag-holders and chainmen for surveys.
101. Professional surveys.
102. Penalty for destruction, injury or removal of survey-marks.
103 Report of destruction or removal of, or injury to, survey-marks.
104. Effect of partitions of estates and tenancies on joint liability for revenue and
105. Application for partition.
106. Restrictions and limitations on partition.
107. Notice of application for partition.
108. Addition of parties to application.
109. Absolute disallowance of partition.
110. Procedure on objection that partition has already been made privately.
111. Procedure on admission of application.
112. Objection raising question of title.
113. Collectors decrees equivalent to decrees of civil Court.
112-A. Stay of partition pending decision of appeal.
113. Disposal of other, questions.
114. Administration of property excluded from partition.
115. Distribution of revenue and rent after partition.
116. Instrument of partition.
117. Procedure for dealing with applications for parti- of Shamilat lands.
118. Affirmation of partitions privately effected.
118-A. Partition of Shamilat lands.
118-B. Procedure for dealing with applications for partition of Shamilat lands.
118-C. Disposal of questions of title.
118-D. Completion of partition and delivery of possession.
118-E. Procedure for determining mode of partition where Shamilat land held by a
co-sharer exceeds the share due.
119. Power to make rules as to costs of partition.
119-A. Proceedings.
119-B. Land lease-agreement, termination, rights and responsibilities.
119-C. Preparation of Regional plan by Board.
119-D. Offences and penalties.
119-E. Punishment under other law not barred.
119-F. Offences by companies.
120. Power to refer to arbitration.
121. Procedure to be followed in Settlement proceedings when question of title
122. Power to supply certain sums other than rent.
123. Disposal of the deposit.
Execution of orders of civil and criminal Court by Revenue officers
124. Orders of civil and criminal Courts for execution of processes against land
or the produce thereof to be addressed to a Revenue officer.
125. Attachments of assigned land revenue.
Preservation of attached produce
126. Preservation of attached produce.
Division of produce
127. Division of produce.
128. Village cesses.
129. Omitted.
130. Omitted.
131. Omitted.
132. Penalty for failure to attend in obedience to order of Revenue Officer.
133. Prevention of encroachment on common land prevention of encroachments
on or cultivation of common land, or land reserved for public purposes or of
which cultivation has been prohibited or is objectionable, or by person not
entitled to bring it under cultivation.
133-A. Restriction on conversion of agricultural land and process for permission of
non-agriculture (NA) use.
133-B. Prohibition to convert water surface, water field or floating field into land in
Kashmir Province.
133-BB. Restriction on use of grazing land, etc. and prohibition on transfer.
133-C. Land converted in violation to escheat to Government.
133-D. Punishment.
133-E. Omitted.
133-F. Appeal.
133-G. Jurisdiction of civil courts barred in certain matters.
133-H. Transfer of land to non-agriculturist barred.
133-I. Transfer of land in favour of public trust for charitable purposes.
133-J. Transfer of land for the purpose of promotion of healthcare or education.
133-K. Transfer of land for industrial, commercial or housing agricultural purposes
or any other public purpose.
133-L. Transfer of land under sections 133-H, 133-I, 133-J and 133-K subject to
134. Papers kept by village officers to be deemed public documents.
135. Costs.
136. Restriction on Revenue Officers bidding at auction or trading.
137. Power to make rules.
138. Rules.
Exclusive of jurisdiction of civil Courts.
139. Exclusion of jurisdiction of civil Courts in matters within the jurisdiction of
Revenue Officers.
140. Repeal.
140-A. Regularization of certain cases of unauthorised occupation.
141. Removal of difficulties.
1996 (1939 A.D.)
(Act No. XII of Samvat 1996)
[Received the assent of His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur on 15th
July, 1939/31st Har, 1996 and published in Government Gazette dated 29th
Bhadon, 1996.]
An Act to amend, consolidate and re-enact the Jammu and Kashmir Land
Revenue Regulation No. 1 of 1980.
Preamble.–WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate, amend and declare
the law in force in the *[Jammu and Kashmir State] with respect to the making
and maintenance of records-of-rights in land, the assessment and collection of
the land revenue and other matters relating to land and the liabilities incident
thereto ; It is hereby enacted as follows:
1. Title, extent and commencement.–(1) This Act may be called the Jammu
and Kashmir Land Revenue Act, 1996.
(2) It extends to the
[whole of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir]
[x x x].
(3) It shall come into force on publication in the
[Official Gazette] in the
prescribed manner.
2. Repeal.From the date when this Act comes into force, (a) the Jammu
and Kashmir Land Revenue Regulation, 1980, shall be repealed, and (b) all
rules and orders previously issued regarding matters dealt with in this Act so
far as they may be repugnant to it, shall be considered to be repealed :
Provided that, all rules, appointments, assessments and transfers made,
notifications and proclamations issued, authorities and powers conferred, forms
and leases granted, records-of-rights and other records farmed, revised or
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for “whole of the Jammu and Kashmir
2. Certain words deleted by Act X of Samvat 2010.
3. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for Government Gazette.
confirmed, rights acquired, liabilities incurred, times and places appointed and
other things done under any of such rules and orders, shall, so far as may be,
be deemed to have been respectively made, issued, conferred, granted, framed,
revised, confirmed, acquired, incurred, appointed and done under this Act.
3. Definitions.In this Act, unless there is something repugnant in the
subject or context,
[(1) Agricultural land means land which is used or is capable of being
used for the agriculture and allied activities including fallow land ;
(2) Agriculture and Allied Activities shall mean raising of crops
including food and non-food crops, fodder or grass; fruits and vegetables,
flowers, any other horticultural crops and plantation; animal husbandry and
dairy; poultry farming, stock breeding; fishery; agro forestry, agro-processing
and other related activities by farmers and farmer groups ;
(3) “Board means Board of Revenue, constituted under this Act ;
(4) “Competent Authority” means the Tehsildar or a Revenue Officer of
equal rank ;]
[(5)]estate means any area
(a) for which a separate record-of-rights has been made ;
(b) which has been separately assessed to land revenue, or would
have been so assessed if the land revenue had not been released,
compounded for or redeemed ; or
(c) which the Government may, by general rule or special order, declare
to be an estate ;
[(6) “Government” means the Government of the Union territory of Jammu
and Kashmir ;]
[(7)] “land means land which is occupied or has been let for agricultural
purposes or for purposes subservient to agriculture or for pasture and includes
the sites of buildings and other structures situated in such land and trees
1. Clauses (1), (2), (3) AND (4) inserted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
2. Existing clause (1) re-numberred as clause (5) ibid.
3. Clause (6) inserted ibid.
4. Existing clause (2) re-numberrred as clause (7) ibid.
standing on such land, as well as areas covered by or fields floating over
water, and sites of jandars and gharats but does not include the sites of any
building in a town or village abadi or any land appurtenant to such building or
sites ;
[(8)] land-holders does not include
[an occupant] or an assignee of
land revenue, but does include land-owner, chakdar, and a person to whom a
holding has been transferred or an estate or holding has been let in farm under
this Act for the recovery of an arrear of land revenue, or of a sum recoverable
as such arrear, and every other person not hereinbefore in this clause mentioned
who is in possession of an estate or any share or portion thereof, or in the
enjoyment of any part of the profits of an estate ;
[(9)] “holding means a share or portion of an estate hold by one land-
holder or jointly by two or more land-holders ;
[(10) “Regional Plan” means the land use plan notified by the Competent
Authority for the areas falling out of local area notified under the Development
Act 1970 ;]
[x x x x]
[(11)] land revenue includes assigned land revenue and any sum
payable in respect of land by way of quit rent or of commutation for service to
the Government or to a person to whom the Government has assigned the right
to receive the payment ;
[(12)] arrear of land revenue” means land revenue which remains unpaid
after the date on which it becomes payable ;
[(13)] defaulter” means a person liable for an arrear of land revenue, and
includes a person who is responsible as surety for the payment of the arrear
[or is a lambardar or a public servant who recovers the land revenue ;]
[(14)] “rates and cesses means rates and cesses which are primarily
payable by land-holders and includes
1. Existing clause (3) renumberred as clause (8) by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
2. Substituted ibid for a tenant.
3. Existing clause (4) renumberred as clause (9) ibid.
4. Clause (10) inserted ibid.
5. Existing clause (5) omitted ibid.
6. Existing clauses (6), (7), (8) and (9) renumberred respectively as clauses (11), (12),
(13) and (14) ibid.
7. Added by Act XV of 1972.
(a) any annual rate chargeable on holders of lands under section 56 of
[Jammu and Kashmir Water Resources (Regulation and
Management) Act, 2010] ;
(b) the village officers cesses ;
(c) the education and road cesses ;
(d) sums payable on account of village expenses ; and
(e) sanitation cess ;
[(15)] “village cess includes any cess, contribution or due which is
customarily leviable within an estate and is neither a payment for the use of
private property or for personal service, nor imposed by or under any enactment
for the time being in force ;
[(16)] “village officermeans and includes
[x x x]
[x x x] a lambardar,
x x] ;
[(17)] “Revenue officer in any provision of this Act means a Revenue
officer having authority under this Act, to discharge the functions of a Revenue
officer under that provision ;
[(18) Occupant means the person under occupation of the land as
protected tenant or occupancy tenant as defined under the repealed Tenancy
Act or otherwise in authorized cultivation of the land ;]
[x x x x]
[“Agricultural yearmeans the year notified by the Board from
time to time for different years :]
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for “section 56 of the Jammu and Kashmir
State Canal and Drainage Act, 1963”.
2. Existing clauses (10), (11) and (12) renumberred as clauses (15), (16) and (17) respectively
3. Words a Zaildar” omitted by Act XXVIII of 1956.
4. Words “a Safedposh omitted by Act II of Svt. 2005.
5. Words “and a Patwari” omitted by Act XV of 1972.
6. Clause (18) inserted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
7. Existing clause (13) omitted ibid. (For earlier amendment see Act XXI of 1957.)
8. Existing clause (14) substituted by SRO-515 dated 30-12-1968.
9. Existing clause (14) renumberred as clause (19) ibid.
10.Opening para substituted ibid.
Provided that, the Government may, by previous notification in the
[Official Gazette], alter this definition ;
[(20)] “notification” means a notification published in the official Gazette
by authority of Government ;
[(21)] “incumbrance means a charge upon or claim against land arising
out of a private grant or contract ;
[(22)] “survey-mark” includes boundary mark ;
[(23)] date of a Regular Settlement means, as regards any estate, the
date on which the record-of-rights of that estate, prepared at such Settlement,
was finally attested ;
[(24)Water channel”, “Water Course and “Water Source referred to
in this Act shall have the same meaning as defined in the Jammu and Kashmir
Water Resources (Regulation and Management) Act, 2010.]
4. Exclusion of certain land from operation of the Act.(1) Except so
far as may be necessary for the record, recovery and administration of village
cesses, nothing in this Act applies to land which is occupied as the site of a
town or village and is not assessed to land revenue.
(2) An assistant Collector of the first class may define for the purposes of
this Act, the limits of any such land.
5. Powers to vary limits and alter number of Tehsils, Districts and
Provinces.The Government may, by notification, vary the limits of the
Tehsils, Districts and Provinces into which the territories administered by it
are divided, and may, by notification, alter the number of those Tehsils, Districts
and Provinces.
[5A. Board of Revenue. (1) There shall be a Board of Revenue for the
Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, consisting of following members,
(a) Financial Commissioner Revenue shall be the ex-officio Chairman ;
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for “Government Gazette”.
2. Existing clauses (15), (16), (17) and (18) renumberred as clauses (20), (21), (22) and (23)
respectively ibid.
3. Clause (24) inserted ibid.
4. Sections 5A and 5B inserted ibid.
(b) two other members of the rank of Secretary to the Government to
be appointed by the Government of the Union territory of Jammu
and Kashmir.
(2) Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the
Government, the Board shall be the Chief Controlling Authority regarding all
the matters provided in this Act.
5B. Powers and functions of the Board.(1) The Board shall
(a) exercise, perform and discharge powers, functions and duties
conferred upon it by or under this Act or any other law for the time
being in force ;
(b) decide all the matters relating to the Acts repealed under section
140, within one year from the Constitution of the Board ; and
(c) perform all the functions entrusted to it by the Government from
time to time.
(2) The terms, references and procedure to be followed by the Board
shall be such as may be notified by the Government.]
Classes and Powers
[6. Classes of Revenue Officers.–(1) There shall be the following classes
of Revenue officers namely: —
(a) the Financial Commissioner ;
(b) the
[Divisional Commissioner ;]
(c) the Collector ;
(d) the Assistant Collector of the first class ;
(e) the Assistant Collector of the second class.
1. Section 6 substituted by Act XIII of 1956 (for earlier amendment see Act No. III of Svt. 2008).
2. Substituted by Act XI of 1965.
[(2) The Deputy Commissioner and the Additional Deputy Commissioner
of a District shall be the Collector thereof ; and a Sub-Divisional Magistrate, an
Assistant Commissioner and a Tehsildar shall be an Assistant Collector of the
First Class and a Naib-Tehsildar an Assistant Collector of the Second Class].
(3) Unless the Government issues a notification to the contrary, the
jurisdiction of the Financial Commissioner shall extend to the whole of the
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir] and of
[Divisional Commissioners] to
the Provinces and of Collectors and Assistant Collectors to the Districts and
Tehsils respectively in which they are employed.
(4) The Government may by notification confer on any person
(a) all or any of the powers of a Financial Commissioner,
Commissioner] or Collector under this Act, or
(b) all or any of the powers with which an Assistant Collector may be
invested thereunder;
and may by notification withdraw any powers so conferred.
(5) A person on whom powers are conferred under sub-section (4) shall
exercise these powers within such local limits and in such classes of cases as
the Government may direct and, except as otherwise directed by the Government,
shall, for all purposes connected with the exercise thereof, be declared to be a
Financial Commissioner,
[Divisional Commissioner], Collector or Assistant
Collector, as the case may be.
[(5-a) The Government may, by notification in the
[Official Gazette],
confer on an Assistant Commissioner or Assistant Settlement Officer the powers
of Collector and such Collector shall exercise those powers in respect of such
cases under this Act or any other law for the time being in force as may be
transferred to him by the Collector from time to time.]
(6) The
[Divisional Commissioner] and the Collector, shall respectively
include the Settlement Commissioner and Settlement Officer and the Assistant
Collector of the first class shall include Assistant Settlement officer and the
Settlement Tehsildar, and Assistant Collector of the second class shall include
the Settlement Naib Tehsildar :
1. Sub-section (2) substituted by Act VI of 2018, s. 2.
2. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for State.
3. Substituted by Act XI of 1965.
4. Sub-section (5-a) inserted by Act XIX of 1961.
5. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for Government Gazette.
Provided that, the jurisdiction of Settlement Commissioner Settlement
officers, Assistant Settlement officers, Settlement Tehsildars and Naib
Tehsildars shall extend only to the tracts under settlement :
Provided further that, the officers other than those specified in the first
proviso shall, unless otherwise directed by the Government, not exercise
jurisdiction in regard to cases arising out of Settlement operations.]
[6A. Combination of offices. It shall be lawful for the Government or
the authority competent, as the case may be, to appoint one and the same
person, being otherwise competent according to law for any two or more of the
offices or to confer upon an officer of one denomination all or any of the
powers or duties of any other officer or officers within certain local limits or
otherwise, as it may deem expedient.]
7. Omitted.
8. Control.(1) The general superintendence and control over all
Revenue offices shall be vested with the
[(2) The
[Divisional Commissioner,] the Collectors and Assistant
Collectors shall be subordinate to and under the control of the Financial
(3) Subject to the control of the Financial Commissioner, the Collectors
shall be subordinate to and under the control of a
[Divisional Commissioner].
(4) Subject as aforesaid and to the control of the
Commissioner,] all other Revenue officers in his district shall be subordinate to
and under the control of a Collector].
[(5) Subject as aforesaid and to the control of Collector, an Assistant
Collector of the second class shall be subordinate to and under the control of
an Assistant Collector of the first class].
[9. Power to distribute business.(1)
[The Board, the Financial
Commissioner], the
[Divisional Commissioner] or the Collector may by order
1. Section 6A inserted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
2. Section 7 omitted by Act III of Samvat 2008.
3. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for Government.
4. Sub-sections (2), (3) and (4) of section 8 substituted by Act XIII of 1956. (For earlier
amendment see Act III of Samvat 2008).
5. Substituted by Act XI of 1965.
6. Sub-section (5) of section 8 inserted by Act XIII of 1956.
7. Sections 9 and 10 substituted by Act XIII of 1956.
8. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for The Financial Commissioner.
in writing distribute in such manner as he thinks fit any business cognizable
by any Revenue Officer under his control.
(2) All Revenue Officers shall exercise the powers vested in them within
the local limits of their jurisdiction. An Assistant Commissioner in a district
and a Naib Tehsildar in a tehsil shall exercise jurisdiction within the whole of
the district or tehsil, as the case may be, subject to such distribution as may be
made by the Deputy Commissioner or Tehsildar respectively.
10. Power to withdraw and transfer cases.–The Financial Commissioner
or a
[Divisional Commissioner] or a Collector may withdraw any case pending
before any Revenue officer under his control and either dispose of it himself,
or by written order refer it for disposal to any other Revenue Officer under his
[10-A. Exercise of powers by Revenue officers.An order under section
9 or section 10 shall not empower any officer to exercise any powers or deal
with any business which he would not be competent to exercise or deal with
within the local limits of his own jurisdiction.]
[11. Appeals.Save as otherwise provided by this Act, an appeal
shall lie from an original or appellate order of a Revenue officer as follows,
(a) to the Collector when the order is made by an Assistant Collector of
either class ;
(b) to the
[Divisional Commissioner] when the order is made by a
Collector ;
(c) to the Financial Commissioner when the order is made by a
[Divisional Commissioner] :
Provided that,
(1) where an original order is confirmed on first appeal, no further appeal
shall lie except on the grounds mentioned in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of sub-
section (1) of section 100 of the
[Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908)] ;
1. Substituted by Act XI of 1965.
2. Section 10-A inserted by Act XIII of 1956.
3. Sec tion 11 substitut ed b y Act XIII of 1956 (for earlier amendment see Act III
of Sa m va t 2 008) .
4. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for Code of Civil Procedure, 1977.
(2) where any such order is modified or reversed on appeal by the
Collector, the order made by the
[Divisional Commissioner] on further appeal,
if any, to him shall be final ;
(3) the Government may especially empower an Assistant Collector of
the first class to hear appeals against the orders of an Assistant Collector of
the second Class.]
12. Limitation for appeals, revisions and reviews.(1)
[Save as
otherwise provided in this Act] the period of limitation for an appeal under the
last foregoing section shall he as follows:
(a) When the appeal lies to the
[Collector or an
Assistant Collector of the first class] 60 days ;
(b) When the appeal lies to
[x x x] the
Commissioner] or
[Divisional Commissioner] 90 days.
[x x x x]
(2) Such provisions of the Limitation Act as apply to appeals, applications
for revision and review in civil suits shall also apply to appeals, applications
for revision and review under this Act.
Review and Revision
13. Review by Revenue Officers.(1) A Revenue Officer may, either of
his own motion or on the application of any party interested, review and on so
reviewing modify, reverse or confirm, any order passed by himslef or any of his
predecessors in office :
Provided as follows:
(a) when
[the Board], a
[Divisional Commissioner] or Collector thinks it
necessary to review any order which he has not himself passed, and when a
Revenue Officer of a class below that of Collector proposes to review any
1. Substituted by Act XI of 1965.
2. Inserted by Act XIII of 1956.
3. Substituted for Wazir-i-Wazarat by Act III of Samvat 2008.
4. Words the collector or settlement officer or omitted ibid.
5. Substituted by Act XIII of 1956.
6. Proviso omitted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
7. Section 13 su bstituted b y Act XIII of 1956 (for earlier amendment see Act I of
Sam v a t 2 0 0 1 ) .
8. Words the Board inserted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
9. Substituted by Act XI of 1956 for Commissioner.
order, whether passed by himself or by any of his predecessors in office, he
shall first obtain the sanction of the Revenue Officer to whose control he is
immediately subject ;
(b) an application for review of an order shall not be entertained unless it
is made within ninety days from the passing of the order, or unless the applicant
satisfies the Revenue Officer that he had sufficient cause for not making the
application within that period ;
(c) an order shall not be modified or reversed unless reasonable notice
has been given to the parties affected thereby to appear and be heard in support
of the order ;
(d) an order against which an appeal has been preferred shall not be reviewed.
(2) For purposes of this section the Collector shall be deemed to be
successor in office of any Revenue Officer of a lower class who has left the
district or has ceased to exercise powers as a Revenue Officer, and to whom
there is no successor in office.
(3) An appeal shall not lie from an order refusing review or confirming on
review a previous order.]
14. Omitted.
[15. Power to revise orders.(1) The
[Financial Commissioner] may at
any time call for the record of any case pending before or disposed of by any
Revenue Officer under
[his control].
(2) The
[Divisional Commissioner] may call for the record of any case
pending before or disposed of by any Revenue Officer subordinate to him.
(3) If in any case in which, the
[Divisional Commissioner] has called for
a record he is of opinion that the proceedings taken or order made should be
modified or revised he shall report case with his opinion thereon for the orders
of the
[Financial Commissioner.]
[(4) The Financial Commissioner may, in any case called for by him
under sub-section (1) or reported to him under sub-section (3), pass such
order as he thinks fit :
1. Section 14 repealed by Act Samvat XIII of 2008 (for earlier amendment see Act I of Svt.
2. Section 15 substituted ibid (for earlier amendment see Act I of Samvat 2000).
3. Substituted by Act XIII of 1956 for Government.
4. Substituted ibid for its control.
5. Substituted by Act XI of 1956 for Commissioner.
6. Sub-section (4) of section 15 substituted by Act XIII of 1956.
Provided that, he shall not under this section pass an order reversing or
modifying any proceeding or order of a subordinate officer affecting any
question of right between private persons without giving those persons an
opportunity of being heard.]
15-A. Power of Revenue officer to summon persons.(1) A Revenue
officer may summon any person whose attendance he considers necessary for
the purpose of any business before him as a Revenue officer.
(2) A person so summoned shall be bound to appear at the time and place
mentioned in the summons in person or if the summons so allows, by his
recognised agent or by a legal practitioner holding authority granted by the
High Court to appear and act in Civil Courts.
(3) The person attending in obedience to the summons shall be bound to
state the truth upon any matter respecting which he is examined or makes
statements and to produce such document and other things relating to any
such matter as the Revenue officer may require.
15-B. Mode of service of summons. ––(1) A summons issued by a Revenue
officer shall, if practicable, be served (a) personally on the person to whom it is
addressed, or failing him, (b) on his recognised agent, or (c) on an adult male
member of his family usually residing with him.
(2) If service cannot be so made, or if acceptance of service so made is
refused, the summons may be served by posting a copy thereof at the usual or
last known place of residence of the person to whom it is addressed or if that
person does not reside in the district in which the Revenue officer is employed,
and the case to which the summons relates has reference to land in that District,
then by posting a copy of the summons on some conspicuous place in or near
the estate wherein land is situate.
(3) If the summons relates to a case in which persons having the same
interest are so numerous that personal service on all of them is not reasonably
practicable, it may, it the Revenue officer so directs, be served by delivery of a
copy thereof to such of those persons as the Revenue officer nominates in this
behalf, and by proclamation of the contents thereof for the information of the
other persons interested.
(4) India Act V1 of 1898.–A summons may, if the Revenue officer so
directs, be served on the person named therein, either in addition to or in
substitution for any other mode of service, by forwarding the summons by
post in a letter addressed to the person and registered under the Indian Post
Office Act, 1898.
(5) When a summons is so forwarded in a letter and it is proved that the
letter was properly addressed and duly posted and registered, the Revenue
officer may presume that the summons was served at the time when the letter
would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.
15-C. Mode of service of notice, order or proclamation or copy thereof.–– A
notice, order or proclamation or copy of any such document issued by a
Revenue officer for service on any person shall be served in the manner provided
in the last forgoing section for the service of a summons.
15-D. Mode of making proclamation. When a proclamation relating to
any land is issued by a Revenue officer, it shall in addition to any other mode
of publication which may be prescribed in any provision of this Act, be made
by beet of drum, or other customary method and by the posting of a copy
thereof on a conspicuous place in or near the land to which it relates.
16. Persons by whom appearances and applications may be made before and
to Revenue officers. ––(1) Appearances before a Revenue officer and applications to
and acts to be done before him under this Act, may he made or done
(a) by parties themselves, or
(b) by persons holding general or special powers of attorney on behalf
of such party, or
(c) by any class of legal practitioners holding authority granted by the
High Court to appear and act in Civil Courts :
Provided that, any Revenue officer may in any case for reasons to be
recorded by him, require the personal attendance of any party :
Provided also that, no pardah-nashin lady or person who is exempted from
personal appearance in a Civil Court shall be required to appear in person :
[Provided further that when the Financial Commissioner or the Settlement
Commissioner is holding office in a Province other than the one to which an
appeal, review or revision pertains, such appeal, review or revision may be
presented before a local Revenue Officer of the highest rank at the station for
transmission to Financial Commissioner or the Settlement Commissioner, as
the case may be,]
[(d) by such class of retired Revenue officer not below the rank of a
Tehsildar who has functioned as such for a period of not less than
1. Third proviso to section 16 added by Act XXI of 1957.
2. Inserted by Act XVI of 1973, s.2.
ten years and is conversant with laws relating to the Revenue
Department holding license issued by such authority, in such
manner, subject to such conditions and on payment of such fees as
may be prescribed by rules made by the Government.]
Supplementary Provisions
17. Place of sitting. A Revenue officer may for exercising his powers
under this Act sit at any place within the local limits of his jurisdiction.
18. Holidays. Any proceeding of a Revenue officer held on a day
declared to be a holiday shall not be invalid by reason only of the fact that it
was held on such day.
19. Retention of powers by Revenue officer on transfer. When a
Revenue officer of any class who has been invested under the foregoing
provisions of this Act with any powers to be exercised in any local area is
transferred from that local area to another as a Revenue officer of the same or
a higher class, he shall continue to exercise those powers in that other local
area unless the Government otherwise directs.
[x x x x].
[19-A. Power to refer for enquiry and report. A Revenue officer may
refer a case which he is empowered to dispose of under this Act to another
Revenue officer subordinate to him for enquiry and report, and may decide the
case upon such enquiry and report.]
Records-of-rights and Annual Records
21. Record of rights and documents Included therein. (1) Save as
otherwise provided by this Chapter, there shall he a record-of-rights for
each estate.
(2) The record-of-rights for an estate shall include the following
documents, namely: —
1. Proviso to section 19 deleted by Act III of Samvat 2008.
2. Section 19-A inserted by Act XII of 2005.
3. Chapter III along with section 20 repealed by section 7 of the Jammu and Kashmir
Lambardari Act, 1972 (Act X of 1972) w.e.f. 1-5-1973.
(a) statements showing, so far as may be practicable
(i) the persons who are land-holders,
[occupants] of land
revenue in the estate, or who are entitled to receive any of
the rents, profits or produce of the estate or to occupy land
therein ;
(ii) the nature and extent of the interests of those persons; and
the conditions and liabilities attaching thereto ; and
(iii) the rent, land revenue, rates, cesses or other payments due
from and to each of those persons and to the
[Union territory
of Jammu and Kashmir] ;
[(iv) survey number or plot number held within its area ;
(v) type and characteristics of soil ;]
(b) a statement of customs respecting rights and liabilities in the
estate ;
(c) a map of the estate ;
(d) such other documents as the
[Financial Commissioner with the
previous sanction of the Government] may prescribe.
[EXPLANATION. –– Record-of-rights mentioned above includes record-of-
rights and the map prepared and transferred under the
provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Consolidation of
Holdings Act, 1962.]
22. Making of special revision of record-of-rights. (1) Where it appears
to the Government that a records-of-rights for an estate does not exist or that
the existing records-of rights for an estate requires revision, it may by a
notification direct that a records-of-rights be made or that the record-of-rights
be revised, as the case may be.
(2) The notification may direct that the records-of-rights may be made or
specially revised for all or any estate in any local area.
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for tenants or assignees.
2. Substituted ibid for State.
3. Sub-clauses (iv) and (v) inserted ibid.
4. Substituted by Act XIII of 1956 for “Government.
5. Explanation under section 21 added by Act XV of 1972.
(3) A record-of-rights made or specially revised for an estate under this
section shall be deemed to be the record-of-rights for the estate, but shall not
affect any presumption in favour of the
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir]
which has already arisen from any previous record-of-rights.
[22-A. Preparation of Pass Book. (1) The Deputy Commissioner of
the District shall cause to be prepared a Pass Book for every land holder in his
District containing record of rights, agriculture holding, transfer of rights,
ration cards, subsidies, liabilities etc. in revenue estate to enable the land
holder make its use for credit facilities and for other matters connected therewith
or incidental thereto.
[(2) The pass book shall be in such form and valid for such period as
may be prescribed and the Board shall strive for preparing, issuing and
maintaining the passbooks in digital format, and the Board shall be competent
to issue direction for this purpose.]
(3) The Pass Book shall be completed by such persons and in such
manner as may be prescribed. The person so authorised shall be the competent
authority for purposes of sections 22-A, 22-B, 22-C, 22-D, 22-E, 22-F, 22-G and
22-H of this Act.
(4) On presentation of the Pass Book at the time of attestation of mutation
or otherwise with a regard to any change in the interest of the holding of the
land holder the revenue officer, after being satisfied of the correctness of the
changes on the basis of the mutation proceedings and other relevant evidence
shall make an entry with respect to such change in the Pass Book in such form
and manner as may be prescribed.
(5) The holder of the Pass Book shall get it updated within one
month after the expiry of its period of validity and on his failure to get it
validated, Pass Book shall otherwise, not be entertained at legal document
whenever presented.
(6) Soon after the consignment of the next Jamabandi of the revenue estate
in the Sadar Office but not later than 30th April of the year succeeding the year
in which Jamabandi has been completed, the holder of the Pass Book shall hand
it over to the new Jamabandi against receipt as may be prescribed. However,
pending updation of the Pass Book, the entries therein for the period of the
preceding Jamabandi would continue to remain valid for that period only.
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for State.
2. Sections 22-A to 22-I inserted by Act VII of 2002, s. 2.
3. Sub-section (2) substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
(7) Every entry made in the manner prescribed, in the Pass Book issued under
this section shall be presumed to be true and correct until the contrary is proved.
(8) The entries in Pass Book shall carry the same evidentiary value as if these
were certified copies of the record-of-rights and other public record for all intents
and purposes before the Courts and the financial institutions including Banks.
(9) If there be any mistake in the Pass Book, the same can be challenged
by making an application to the Deputy Commissioner who shall make such
appropriate orders to certify it, as he deems fit.
(10) No transfer made by the holder of a Pass Book in respect of any land
specified in such Pass Book or any interest in such land shall be registered by
any Registrar or Sub-Registrar unless the Pass Book is produced before him
and on the production thereof he shall incorporate the particulars of the transfer
registered by him in such form and manner as may be prescribed. Any transfer
effected in contravention of this sub-section shall be null and void.
(11) No alteration in the revenue record shall be made by any revenue
officer as a consequence of any transfer of land or any interest therein except
on the production of the Pass Book.
(12) Any revenue officer may direct the transferer or transferee of any
right or interest in the land to produce the Pass Book within fifteen days of
issuance of a notice to him and such transferer or transferee shall thereupon
produce the Pass Book either personally or through an authorised agent for
making entry indicating the transfer. Any alteration made in contravention of
this sub-section shall be void.
(13) Financial assistance may be granted by a financial institution to a
land holder on production of the Pass Book. However, production of Pass
Book will not be necessary for crop loans advanced by co-operative societies.
(14) A financial institution granting any financial assistance to the holder
of the Pass Book shall make an entry to that effect in the Pass Book and where
such financial assistance has been given on the security of any holding, the
financial institutions shall also make an entry against the holding on the security
of which the financial assistance has been granted by it, and the entry so made
shall have the effect of creating a charge in favour of the financial institution
on the holding against which the entry has been made and the holder of the
Pass Book shall be debarred from alienating the said holding until the
outstanding amount of the financial assistance granted by the financial
institution has been repaid together with interest due thereon :
Provided that where any charge on any land or interest therein was created
by a land holder in favour of a financial institution before the commencement
of the Jammu and Kashmir Land Revenue (Amendment) Act, 2001, it shall not
debar him from creating after such commencement subsequent charge on such
land interest thereon in favour of financial institution as security for any
financial assistance given to him by such institution :
Provided further that the financial institution which sanctions the first
loan after the issue of the Pass Book shall ascertain and verify within fifteen
days all outstanding loans (except crop loan) advanced by co-operative societies
and encumbrances created by the land holder, as the case may be, by procuring
an affidavit to that effect and enter and authenticate the details thereof in the
Pass Book.
(15) The financial institution shall endorse a copy of relevant entries
incorporated in the Pass Book to revenue officer as well as the Sub-Registrar
within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the whole or any of the property
which has been so charged is situated and on receipt of the same the revenue
officer shall cause necessary entry to be made in the record of rights maintained
under the Jammu and Kashmir Land Revenue Act, Samvat 1996.
(16) A charge or mortgage created on any land or interest or crop standing
therein after the commencement of Jammu and Kashmir Land Revenue
(Amendment) Act, 2001 in favour of Government shall have priority over a
charge or mortgage on such land or interest created a land holder in favour of
a financial institution after such commencement.
(17) A Pass Book issued under this section and made upto date shall
remain in force until the next Jamabandi and shall be valid thereafter only if it
has been made upto date and so certified in the manner as may be prescribed.
Each page of the Pass Book shall be serially numbered and name of the land
holder on each page to avoid tampering with.
(18) The Pass Book shall be issued to a land holder on payment of such
amount as may be prescribed.
(19) If any person fails or refuses to produce a Pass Book on demand by
a revenue officer or interpolates or erases anything in the Pass Book with an
intent to defraud an authority or makes any false statement knowing or having
reason to believe the same to be false or which he does not believe to be true
with a view to gain wrongfully shall be liable to be punished with an
imprisonment which may extend to one year or with an imprisonment which
may extend to
[twenty thousand rupees] or with both.
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for “twenty hundred rupees”.
(20) No court shall take cognizance of an offence punishable under sub-
section (1) except on a complaint made by the revenue officer. However, financial
institution may inform the revenue officer about any tampering within the Pass
Book coming to its notice.
22-B. Responsibility of the Competent Authority. The competent
authority shall make every entry in the Pass Book personally from the revenue
records of the village. The competent authority shall be responsible for the
correctness of every entry made by him in the Pass Book. All entries relating to
the revenue record shall be made in accordance with the relevant revenue
Explanation : Competent Authority under this section and the preceding
section shall mean an empowered officer or official of the
Revenue Department, who under this Act is competent to
make entries in the Pass Book.
22-C. Official copy of the Pass Book to be kept upto date. The
Competent Authority shall make the necessary changes in the record of rights
of the holding in time and keep it posted up to date.
22-D. Pass Book to be kept up to date. (1) The land holder shall produce
his Pass Book before the competent authority at least every six months to get
the changes in the record of rights effected in his copy by the competent
authority unless the land holder desires to have such changes being posted
earlier. The competent authority shall acknowledge the receipt of such Pass
Book in writing to the land holder.
(2) Every change in the record of rights pertaining to the holding, after it
is effected in the land holder’s Pass Book shall be signed and returned within
a period of one week after it is authenticated by the competent authority but
no later than 15 days from the date of its receipt from the land holder.
(3) When the Pass Book is produced before the competent authority and
there is no change to be effected, the competent authority shall make remarks
in the Pass Book to the effect that no change is to be posted on the date
relevant to the production of the Pass Book and shall sign and authenticate
the same.
22-E. Entries to be made by the Banks and financial institutions in the
Pass Book. –(1)The Banks and the financial institutions shall make necessary
entries in the relevant columns of the Pass Book regarding the financial
assistance or loan given to the land holder and the charge or mortgage created
in the relevant columns of the Pass Book in respect of the land.
(2) The Bank or the financial institution, as the case may be, shall send an
extract of the entries made in the Pass Book to the Competent Authority within
fifteen days from the date of the transaction. The competent authority shall
cause the entry to be made in the Pass Book maintained by it.
22-F. Alteration in the Pass Book. –(1) No person shall make any change,
alter or delete any entry in the Pass Book other than the person who is authorised
to make any entry or change in the Pass Book.
(2) Any person who makes false, fraudulent entries, alters or deletes any
entry in the Pass Book or furnishes false information to the competent authority
shall be liable to be punished with an imprisonment which may extend up to one
year or with fine which may extend to twenty thousand rupees or with both.
22-G. Issue of the true copy of the Pass Book. (1) Where the land
holder applies with an affidavit to the Deputy Commissioner, to the effect
that the Pass Book issued to him has been lost or destroyed, the Deputy
Commissioner shall after due verification direct for issuance of a fresh Pass
Book on payment of such fees and cost as may be determined by the
Government from time to time.
(2) When the Pass Book issued to the land holder has been filled up, or
has been damaged or mutilated and can no longer be used, the land holder
shall apply for issue of a fresh Pass Book along with old Pass Book and on
satisfaction of the correctness of information given in the application, the
Deputy Commissioner, shall direct the competent authority to issue a fresh
Pass Book to the land holder on payment of such fee, as may be determined, by
the Government, from time to time.
(3) Any copy of the order made under sub-section (2) shall be sent to the
competent authority along with Pass Book, for complying with the directions.
(4) On receipt of the order under sub-section (3), the competent authority
shall issue fresh Pass Book to the land holder, which shall be marked Fresh
Pass Book’ in red ink.
22-H. Issue of additional Pass Book to the joint holders.(1) Whereas
the Pass Book is issued in the name of occupant whose name appears first
amongst the joint holders of the land and if any joint holder applies for the
copy of the Pass Book, after due verification, the Deputy Commissioner,
shall direct the competent authority to issue copy of the Pass Book on
payment of such fees and costs as may be determined by the Government
from time to time.
22-I. Issue of Pass Book to the heirs of land holder.(1) Once the Pass
Book is issued to the land holder it shall not be necessary to issue a new Pass
Book to a person who becomes a holder by succession. If there are more than
one successors, fresh Pass Book shall be issued to each successor.
(2) On application made by the successor of the deceased holder
accompanied by the Pass Book issued to the deceased holder, the competent
authority shall, after making such inquiries as it may deem necessary, transfer
the Pass Book into the name of the successor.]
23. Annual record. ––(1) The Collector shall cause to be prepared by the
patwari of each estate annually or at such other intervals as the
Commissioner with the previous sanction of the Government] may prescribe,
an edition of the record-of-rights amended in accordance with the provisions
of this Chapter.
(2) This edition of the record-of-rights shall be called the annual record
for the estate, and shall comprise the statements mentioned in sub-section (2),
clause (a) of section 21, and such other documents, if any, as the
Commissioner with the previous sanction of the Government] may prescribe.
(3) For the purposes of the preparation of the annual record, the Collector
shall cause to be kept up by the patwari of each estate a register of mutations
and such other registers as the
[Financial Commissioner with the previous,
sanction of the Government] may prescribe.
[23-A. Consolidation of Land and prevention of fragmentation of land
holdings. (i) The Board may notify a scheme of consolidation of land holding
to be undertaken during the preparation of Record-of-Rights or otherwise for
rearrangement of land holdings in a unit amongst several land owners in such
a way as to make their respective holdings more compact.
(ii) With effect from the date on which a landowner enters into possession
of the plots allotted to him in pursuance of the provisions of the scheme
notified under sub-section (1) the rights, title, interest and liabilities of the
former landowner in these plots and his rights, title, interest and liabilities in
his original plots shall stand extinguished and shall vest in the occupying land
owner, subject to such modifications, if any, specified in the said consolidation
(iii) The Board may also bring a scheme of restricting and regulating the
fragmentation of agricultural land holdings in the Union territory of Jammu and
Kashmir to make the agriculture viable.]
1. Substituted for Government by Act XIII of 1956.
2. Section 23-A inserted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
Procedure for making records
24. Making of that part the annual record which relates to land holders
[and occupants].(1) Any person acquiring, by inheritance, purchase,
mortgage, gift or otherwise any right in an estate as a land-holder,
occupant,] shall report such acquisition to the patwari of the estate.
(2) If the person acquiring such right is a minor or otherwise disqualified,
his guardian or other person having charge of his property or, if there is no
property in his possession, of his person shall make such report to the patwari.
(3) The patwari shall enter in his register of mutations every such report and
shall also make an entry therein respecting the acquisition of any such right as
aforesaid which he has reason to believe to have taken place, and of which a report
should have been made to him under this section and has not been so made.
(4) A Revenue officer shall from time to time inquire into the correctness
of all entries in the register of mutations and into all such acquisitions as
aforesaid coming to his knowledge of which under the foregoing sub-sections,
report should have been made to the Patwari and an entry made in that register,
and shall in each case make such order as he thinks fit with respect to the entry
in the annual record of the right acquired :
[Provided that the Government may by rules curtail, limit or restrict the
power of any Revenue Officer or class of Revenue Officers to inquire into and
dispose of any such case or class of cases.]
(5) Such an entry shall be made by the insertion in that record of a
description of the right acquired, and by the omission from that record of any
entry in any record previously prepared which by reason of the acquisition
has ceased to be correct.
(6) In cases of acquisitions of the rights of assignees of land revenue
mutation shall be made in accordance with the final orders of competent authority.
25. Making of that part of the annual record which relates to other
persons.–– The acquisition of any interest in land other than a right referred to
in sub-section (1) of the last foregoing section shall
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808 (E) dated 26.10.2020 for assignees of revenue and occupancy
tenan ts .
2. Substituted ibid for an occupancy tenant or a protected tenant. (For earlier amendment
see Act XXI of 1957).
3. Proviso to sub-section (4) added by Act XXXVIII of 1962.
(a) if it is undisputed, be recorded by the patwari in such manner as
the Government may by rules in this behalf prescribe ; and
(b) if it is disputed, be entered by the patwari in the register of mutations
and dealt with in the manner prescribed in sub-sections (4) and (5)
of the last foregoing section.
26. Determination of disputes. If during the making, revision or
preparation of any record or in the course of any inquiry under this Chapter, a
dispute arises as to any matter of which an entry is to be made in a record or in
a register of mutations, a Revenue Officer may of his own motion, or on the
application of any party interested but subject to the provisions of the next
following section, and after such inquiry as he thinks fit including such summary
enquiry into title as may be necessary, determine the entry to be made as to
that matter :
[Provided that the Government may by rules curtail, limit or restrict the
power of any Revenue Officer or class of Revenue Officers to inquire into and
dispose of any such case or class of cases.]
(2) The final order passed by the Revenue Officer declaring who is the
party best entitled to the property shall be subject to any decree or order
which may be subsequently passed by any Civil Court of competent jurisdiction.
27. Restriction on variation of entries in records. Entries in records-
of-rights or in annual records, except entries made in annual records by
patwaries under clause (a) of section 25 with respect to undisputed acquisitions
of interests referred to in that section, shall not be varied in subsequent records
otherwise than by–
[(a) making entries in accordance with facts proved or admitted to have
occurred :
Provided that, no such change in record-of-rights shall be affected
without the order of the Government or any officer authorised by the Government
in this behalf ;]
(b) making such entries as are agreed to by all the parties interested
therein or are supported by a decree or order binding on these
(c) making new maps where it is necessary to make them.
1. Proviso to sub-section (1) inserted by Act XXXVIII of 1962.
2. Substituted by Act IX of Samvat 2004 for original clause (a).
28. Mutation fees. (1) The Government may fix a scale of fees for
making all or any classes of entries in any record or register under this Chapter
and for grant of copies of any such entries.
[(2) A fee in respect of any entry shall be payable (i) by the person who
wants that an entry shall be made in his favour whether ultimately it is made in
his favour or not, or (ii) by the person in whose favour the entry is made.]
29. Penalty for neglect to report acquisition of any right referred to in
section 24. Any person neglecting to make the report required by section 24
within three months from the date of his acquisition of a right referred to in that
section shall be liable by order of an Assistant Collector of the 1st class, to a
fine not exceeding five times the amount of the fee, which would have been
payable according to the scale fixed under the last foregoing section if the
acquisition of the right had been reported immediately after its accrual.
30. Obligation to furnish information necessary for the preparation of
record. Any person whose rights, interests, or liabilities are required to be
entered in any record under this Chapter shall be bound to furnish, on the
requisition of any Revenue Officer or village officer engaged in compiling the
record, all information necessary for the correct compilation thereof.
31. Presumption in favour of entries in records-of-rights and annual
records.– Any entries made in record-of-rights in accordance with the law for
the time being in force or in an annual record in accordance with provisions of
this Chapter and the rules thereunder, shall be presumed to be true until the
contrary is proved.
32. Suit for declaratory decree by person aggrieved by an entry in a
record. ––(1) If any person considers himself aggrieved by an entry in a record-
[he may institute a suit before the Collector
(Deputy Commissioner
or Additional Deputy Commissioner)] for the correction of the record, and for
possession of the right claimed if he is not in possession thereof, within one
[x x x x] from the date of publication of the record of the distribution of the
assessment under section 49, sub-section (1).
(2) If any person consider himself aggrieved by an entry in an annual
[he may institute a suit before the Collector (Deputy Commissioner)]
within the period prescribed by the *[Limitation Act No. IX of 1995] for
1. Sub-section (2) of section 28 substituted by Act II of Samvat 2007.
2. Substituted by Act XV of 1972 for he may institute a suit.
3. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for Deputy Commissioner.
4. Words (2 years in case of Frontier Districts of Gilgit and Ladakh) omitted ibid.
* Now Limitation Act, 1963.
correction of the record and for possession of the right claimed if he is not in
possession thereof, or for declaration of his right if he is in possession thereof:
Provided that, nothing in this sub-section shall entitle any person to
bring a suit for the correction of the records-of rights of a preceding Settlement
after the period prescribed for such suit in sub-section (1) has expired.
[x x x x].
Supplemental Provisions
33. Power to make rules respecting records and other matters connected
therewith. The Government may make rules
(a) prescribing the language and script in which records and registers
under this Chapter are to be made ;
(b) prescribing the form of those records and registers and the manner
in which they are to be prepared, signed and attested ;
(c) for the survey of land so far as may be necessary for the preparation
and correction of those records and registers ;
(d) for the conduct of inquiries by Revenue Officers under this
Chapter ;
(e) regulating the procedure of Revenue Officers under this Act in
cases for which a procedure is not prescribed by this Act ; and
(f) generally for the guidance of Revenue Officers and village officers
in matters pertaining to records and registers mentioned or referred
to in this Chapter.
34. Records-of-rights and annual records for groups of estates. (1) The
[Financial Commissioner] may direct that a record-of-rights be made for any
group of neighbouring estates instead of separately for each of the estates.
(2) The provisions of this Chapter with respect to a record-of-rights and
annual record for an estate shall then, so far as they can be made applicable,
apply to a record-of-rights, and annual record for a group of estates.
1. Sub-section (3) omitted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
2. Substituted by Act XIII of 1956 for Commissioner.
[35. Right of the Government in mines and minerals. The rights to
mines, minerals, minor minerals and quarries shall vest in the Government and
the Government shall have all powers necessary for the proper enjoyment of
such rights.
EXPLANATION :–– For purposes of this section ‘minor minerals mean the
minor minerals in respect of which the *[State Government]
is empowered to make rules under section 15 of the Mine
and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, 1957).
[35-A. Trees on Khalsa land. (1) No person shall fell any tree standing
on Khalsa (Government) land or cut branches thereof, or remove, sell or convert
the wood or timber of any such tree to his own use otherwise than in accordance
with the rules made by the Government or any officer empowered by the
Government in that behalf.
(2) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall debar a person from
removing leaves of such trees for agricultural purposes and purposes
subservient to agriculture.]
36. Provision relating to royal and reserved trees. Rights of the
Government in royal trees. All trees of the following descriptions, namely:—
English name Botanical name Local name
In the Provinces of Jammu and Kashmir
Deodar ... Cedrus Libani, Var, Deodara ... Deodar, Diar.
Chil pine ... Pinus Longifolia ... Chil, Chir.
Blue pine ... Pinus Excelsa ... Kairu, Biar, Kail,
Edible pine ... Pinus Geradiana ... Chilgoza, Iri.
Fir ... Abies Pindrow ... Rewar, Budlu, Rai
Rayal, Tung sararn
1. Section 35 substituted by Act XXIX of 1978, s. 2.
* Now Government of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
2. Section 35-A inserted by Act XIX of Samvat 2003.
English name Botanical name Local name
Spruce ... Picea Morinda ... Kachai, Kachhlu,
Tos, Riar.
Himalayan ... Cuprescus Torulosa ... Padam.
Pencil cedar ... Juniperus Macropoda ... Shelai, Chheali,
Padam, Dhua.
Chenar ... Platanus Orientalis ... Chenar, Buin.
Box ... Buxus Sumpervirens ... Chikri.
In the District of Ladakh
Blue pine ... Pinus Excelsa ... Thangshing.
Chenar ... Platanus Orientalis ... Shingyel.
In the District of Gilgit
Blue Pine ... Pinus Excelsa ... Chi.
Fir ... Abies Pindrow ... Rai.
Spruce ... Picea Morinda ... Kathal.
Chenar ... Platanus Orientalis ... Buch,
shall be deemed to be royal trees. They, even when standing on private land,
cannot be cut, or removed except in accordance with the rules framed by the
Government in this behalf.
37. Reserved trees. ––(1) All trees of the following descriptions, namely :
English name Botanical name Local name
In the Province of Jammu
Mulberry Morussp Tut.
In the Province of Kashmir except Muzaffarabad and Karnah Tehsils
Mulberry Morusp Tul kul, Tut,
shall be deemed to be reserved trees.
The Government may, by notification, order that trees of any description
specified in such notification shall be deemed to be reserved trees in any local
areas specified therein.
(2) Reserved trees, although standing on private land, shall not be sold
or converted by any person to his own use otherwise than in accordance with
a general or special order of the Government or of an officer empowered by the
Government in this behalf, under the rules in force for the time being.
38. Penalties.A person proved to the satisfaction of an Assistant
Collector not below the rank of a Tehsildar to have done any act
by section 35-A, 36 or 37] shall be liable to a fine which may extend to
five hundred and the wood of the trees so felled from
[Union territory of
Jammu and Kashmir] or private land shall be confiscated] and also be liable to
make good to the
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir] any loss or damage
caused by such act :
Provided that, a person who has been fined under this section shall not
be prosecuted under the Criminal Law for the same act and a person who has
been punished under the Criminal Law for any act
[prohibited by section 35-
A, 36 or 37] shall not be liable to a fine under this section.
Such loss or damage shall be assessed by the Assistant Collector and
the amount may be recovered from the person held liable as if the same were
arrears of the land revenue.
Presumption as to Ownership of Forest and Waste Lands
39. Presumption as to ownership of forest and waste lands. When in
any record-of-rights it is not expressly provided that any forest, unclaimed,
unoccupied, deserted or waste land, spontaneous product or other accessory
interest in land belongs to the land holders it shall be presumed to belong to
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir].
Compensation for Infringement of the Rights of any person
40. Compensation for the infringement of rights of third parties in exercise
of a right of the
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir].(1) Whenever in
the exercise of any right of the Government referred to in section 35, the rights
of any person are infringed by the occupation or disturbance of the surface of
any land, the Government shall pay, or cause to be paid to that person
compensation for the infringement.
1. Substituted by Act XIX of Samvat 2003 for prohibited by sections 36 or 37.
2. Substituted by Act XI of 1965 for Rs. 50”.
3. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for State.
(2) The compensation shall be determined as nearly as may be in
accordance with the provisions of the *[Land Acquisition Act] for the time
being in force.
[X X X].
53. Formation of State forests from excess waste land. When in the
opinion of a Settlement Officer or any Assistant Collector of the first class
empowered in this behalf by a general or special order of the Government, the
waste land included in or adjoining an estate is so extensive as to exceed the
reasonable requirements of the land holders of the estate with reference to
past urage or extention of cultivation or otherwise, the Settlement Officer or
such Assistant Collector may at any time cause the excess area to be demarcated
as a State forest in accordance with the Forest Demarcation Rules in force, at
the time, on such conditions, as to payment of compensation or otherwise, as
the Government may direct :
Provided that no compensation shall he payable to any person solely on
account of the formation of a State forest from waste land owned by the
territory of Jammu and Kashmir].
[X X X].
[57. Rules to regulate collection of certain arrears through revenue
officers.(1) The Government may make rules to regulate the collection of the
sums realizable under any law for the time being in force through revenue officers.
(2) Where any sum referred to under sub-section (1) is collected by the
revenue officer, there shall be deducted an amount of two percent of such sum
on account of the cost of collection.]
[X X X].
* Now Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act, 2013 (30 of 2013).
1. Substituted for “ASSESSMENT” by Act X of 2005, s. 2, w.e.f. 10th May, 2005.
2. Sections 41 to 52 omitted ibid.
3. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for “State”.
4. Sections 54, 55 and 56 omitted by Act X of 2005, s. 2, w.e.f. 10.5.2005.
5. Section 57 substituted ibid, s. 3.
6. Sections 58 and 59 omitted ibid, s. 4.
60. Recovery of public demands by enforcement of process in other
districts than those in which they become payable. (1)
[Where a sum
recoverable as an arrear of land revenue under any law for the time being in
force] or a sum recoverable as an arrear of land revenue is payable by a person
residing or having property in a district other than that in which the arrear
accrued or the sum is payable, the
[Collector] of the District in which the
arrear accrued or the sum is payable, may send to the
[Collector] of that other
district a certificate stating
(a) the name of the defaulter and such other particulars as may be
necessary for his identification ; and
(b) the amount payable by him and the account on which it is due.
(2) The certificate shall be signed by the
[Collector] making it and shall
be conclusive proof of the matters therein stated.
(3) The
[Collector] of the other district shall on receiving the certificate
proceed to recover the amount stated therein, as if it were an arrear of land
revenue which has accrued in his own district.
61. Process for recovery of arrears.Subject to the other provisions of
this Act
[any sum recoverable as an arrear of land revenue under any law for
the time being in force] may he recovered by any one or more of the following
processes, namely:
(a) by service of a writ of demand on the defaulter ;
(b) by arrest and detention of his person ;
(c) by distress and sale of his movable property and uncut or un-
gathered crops ;
(d) by transfer of the holding in respect of which the arrear is due ;
(e) by attachment of the estate or holding in respect of which the
arrear is due ;
(f) by annulment of assessment of that estate or holding ;
(g) by sale of that estate or holding ;
1. Substituted by Act X of 2005 for the words “Where an arrear of land revenue”, s. 4.
2. Substituted by Act III of Samvat 2008 for “Wazir-i-Wazarat”.
3. Substituted for words “an arrear of land revenue” by Act X of 2005, s. 5.
(h) by pro ceedin g a gainst other i mmovab le pr oper ty of the
62. Writ of demand. A writ of demand may be issued by a Revenue
Officer on or after the day following that on which
[any sum recoverable as an
arrear of land revenue] accrues.
63. Arrest and detention of defaulter. (1) At any time after an arrear of
land revenue has accrued a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar
may issue a warrant directing
[any public servant] to arrest the defaulter and
bring him before the Revenue Officer.
[(2) When the defaulter is brought before the Revenue Officer, the
Revenue Officer may cause him to be taken before the Collector or may order
that he be confined to Civil Jail or if no Civil Jail exists in his jurisdiction in the
local Judicial lock-up, for a period not exceeding six days and then if the arrear
is still unpaid cause him to be taken before Collector.]
(3) When the defaulter is brought before the
[Collector,] the
may issue an order to the officer incharge of the civil jail of the district directing
him to confine the defaulter in the jail for such period, not exceeding one
month from the date of the order, as the
[Collector] thinks fit. The
shall without delay report his order under this sub-section to the
Commissioner] for his information.
(4) If a Tehsildar keeps under detention, for a period exceeding 24 hours
a defaulter arrested under sub-section (1), be shall without delay report this
action for the information of the
[Collector] and the
[Collector] may take such
action on the report as he thinks fit.
[x x x x].
(6) The process of arrest and detention shall not be executed against a
defaulter who is a female, a minor, a lunatic or an idiot.
(7) So long as the defaulter is detained in jail under this section no other
process for collection of
[any sum recoverable as land revenue] due from him
shall be enforced.
1. Substituted for the words “an arrear of land revenue” by Act X of 2005, s. 6.
2. Substituted by Act XVI of 1973, s. 3.
3. Sub-section (2) substituted ibid.
4. Substituted by Act III of Samvat 2008 for “Wazir-i-Wazarat”.
5. Substituted by Act XI of 1956 for “Commissioner”.
6. Sub-section (5) omitted by Act X of 2005, s.7.
7. Substituted ibid for the words “land revenue”.
[(8) Every Police Officer shall help and afford assistance to the Revenue
Officer in the exercise of his lawful authority.]
64. Distress and sale of movable property and crops. (1) At any time
[any sum has become recoverable as an arrear of land revenue] the movable
property and uncut or un-gathered crops of the defaulter may be distrained
and sold by order of a Revenue Officer, not below the rank of
(2) The distress and sale shall be conducted, as nearly as may be, in
accordance with the law for the time in force for the attachment and sale of
movable property under the decree of a Civil Court:
Provided, that, in addition to the particulars exempted by that law from
liability to sale, so much of the produce of the land of the defaulter as the
[Tehsildar] thinks necessary for seed grain and for the subsistence, until the
harvest next following, of the defaulter and his family, and of any cattle exempted
by that law, shall be exempted from sale under this section.
[X X X].
71. Proceedings against
[x x x] immoveable property of defaulters.––
(1) If the arrear cannot be recovered by any of the processes hereinbefore
provided, or if the
[Divisional Commissioner] considers the enforcement of
any of these processes to be inexpedient, the Collector may, where the defaulter
owns any
[x x x] estate or holding or any
[x x x] immovable property, proceed
under the provisions of this Act against that property as if it were the land in
respect of which the arrear is due :
Provided that, no interests save those of the defaulter alone shall be so
proceeded against, and no encumbrances created, grants made, or contracts
entered into by him in good faith shall be rendered invalid by reason only of
his interests being proceeded against.
(2) When the Collector determines to proceed under this section against
immovable property
[x x x], he shall issue a proclamation prohibiting the transfer
or charging of the property.
1. Sub-section (8) inserted by Act XVI of 1973, s. 3.
2. Substituted by Act X of 2005, s. 8.
3. Substituted ibid for Collector”.
4. Sections 65 to 70 omitted by Act X of 2005, s. 2.
5. The word other omitted ibid, s. 9.
6. Substituted by Act XI of 1956 for Commissioner.
7. Omitted by Act X of 2005, s. 9.
(3) The Collector may at any time by order in writing withdraw the
proclamation, and it shall be deemed to be withdrawn when either the arrear
has been paid or the interests of the defaulter in the property have been sold
for the recovery of the arrear.
(4) Any private alienation of the property, or of any interest of the
defaulter therein, whether by sale, gift, mortgage or otherwise, made after the
issue of the proclamation and before the withdrawal thereof, shall be void.
[(5) In proceedings against property under this section, the Collector
shall follow such procedure as may be laid down under rules.]
72. Remedies open to person denying his liability for an arrear.
[Notwithstanding anything in section 59,] when proceedings are taken
under this Act for the recovery of an arrear, the person against whom the
proceedings are taken may, if he denies his liability for the arrear or any part
thereof and pays the same under protest made in writing at the time of payment
and signed by him or his agent, institute a suit in a Civil Court for the recovery
of the amount so paid.
(2) A suit under sub-section (1) shall be instituted in a Court having
jurisdiction in the place where the office of the
[Collector] of the District in
which the arrear or some part thereof accrued is situate.
Procedure in sales
73. Proclamation of sale. (1) On the receipt of the sanction of the
[Divisional Commissioner] to the sale of any immovable property the Collector
shall issue proclamation of the intended sale, specifying
(a) the date, time and place of the sale ;
[(b) the property to be sold] ;
[x x x]
[(d) any encumbrance, grant or contract for which the property is known
to be liable] ; and
1. Sub-section (5) substituted by Act X of 2005, s. 9.
2. Section 59 has been omitted by Act X of 2005, s. 2. Accordingly, the words within
braces have been deleted by the Author.
3. Substituted by Act III of Samvat 2008 for Wazir-i-Wazarat.
4. Substituted by Act XI of 1956 for Commissioner.
5. Clause (b) substituted by Act X of 2005, s.10.
6. Clause (c) deleted ibid.
7. Clause (d) substituted ibid.
(e) the amount for the recovery of which the sale is ordered.
(2) The place of the sale specified under clause (a) of sub-section (1)
must be either the office of the Collector, or someplace appointed by the
Collector in this behalf, and situate in or near the property to be sold.
74. Indemnity to Revenue Officer with respect to contents of
proclamation. A Revenue Officer shall not be answerable for any error mis-
statement or omission in any proclamation under the last foregoing section,
unless the same has been committed or made dishonestly.
75. Publication of proclamation. (1) A copy of the proclamation shall
be served on the defaulter and be posted in a conspicuous part of the office of
the Tehsildar of the tehsil in which the property to be sold is situate.
(2) After a copy of the proclamation has been served on the defaulter and
pasted in the office of the Tehsildar, a copy thereof shall be pasted in the office
of the Collector.
(3) The proclamation shall be further published in the manner directed
under the Code of Civil Procedure.
76. Time and conduct of sale. The sale shall not take place on a Sunday
or other holiday, or till after the expiration of at least thirty days from the date
on which the copy of the proclamation was pasted in the office of the Collector.
(2) The sale shall be by public auction, and shall be conducted either by
the Collector or by a subordinate Revenue Officer especially authorised by
him in this behalf.
(3) No person shall be permitted to bid at such sale who is under any law or rule
enforced in the
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir] prohibited from purchasing
such property by private purchase.
77. Power to postpone sale.–– The Collector or such Revenue Officer may
from time to time postpone the sale; provided that, if the sale is postponed for more
than 7 days a fresh proclamation shall be issued as prescribed for the original sale.
78. Stay of sale. If at any time before the bidding at the auction is
completed the defaulter pays the arrear in respect of which the property has
been proclaimed for sale, together with the cost incurred for the recovery thereof,
to the officer conducting the sale, or proves to the satisfaction of that officer
that he has already paid the same
[either at the place and in the manner prescribed
under section 56 or] into the Government treasury, the sale shall be stayed.
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for State.
2. The words within braces need to be deleted as section 56 stands already omitted.
79. Payment of deposit by highest bidder. When the highest bid at the
auction has been ascertained, the person who made that bid shall on the
requisition of the officer conducting the sale, pay to that officer a deposit of
twenty-five per centum on the amount of his bid, and shall, on payment thereof,
be declared to be the purchaser.
80. Consequences of failure. If the person who made the highest bid
fails to pay the deposit as required by the last foregoing section the property
shall forthwith be put up again and sold, and all expenses attending the first
sale, and the deficiency of price, if any, which may happen on the re-sale,
may be recovered from him by the Collector as if the same were an arrear of
land revenue.
81. Time for payment in full. The full amount of the purchase money
shall be paid by the purchaser before the close of the fifteenth day from that on
which the purchaser was declared.
82. Procedure on default of payment. In default of payment of the full
amount of the purchase money within the period mentioned in the last foregoing
section, the deposit referred to in section 79 shall after defraying the expenses
of the sale, be forfeited to the Government and may, if the Collector so directs,
be applied in reduction of the arrear, and the property shall be re-sold and the
defaulting purchaser shall have no claim to the property or to any part of the
sum for which it may subsequently be sold.
83. Report of sale to Divisional Commissioner.–– Every sale of immovable
property under this Chapter shall be reported by the Collector to the
84. Application to set aside sale. ––(1) At any time within 60 days from
the date of the sale, application may be made to the
[Divisional Commissioner,]
to set aside the sale on the ground of some material irregularity or mistake in
publishing or conducting it.
(2) But a sale shall not be set aside on that ground unless the applicant
proves to the satisfaction of the
[Divisional Commissioner] that he has
sustained substantial injury by reason of the irregularity or mistake.
85. Order confirming or setting aside sale.(1) After the expiration of
60 days from the date of the sale, if such application as is mentioned in the last
foregoing section has not been made, or if such application has been made and
rejected, the
[Divisional Commissioner] shall make an order confirming the
sale, and if such application has been made and allowed, the
Commissioner] shall make an order setting aside the sale.
1. Substituted by Act XI of 1956 for Commissioner.
(2) An order made under this section shall be final.
86. Refund of purchase money on setting aside of sale. Whenever the
sale of any property is set aside, the purchaser shall be entitled to receive
back his purchase money.
87. Proclamation after postponement or on re-sale. A re-sale
consequent on a purchasers default under section 82 or on the setting aside
of a sale under section 85 shall be made after the issue of a fresh proclamation
in the manner hereinbefore prescribed for the sale.
88. On confirmation of sale possession and certificate to be granted to
purchaser.(1) After a sale has been confirmed in the manner aforesaid, the
Collector shall put the person declared to be the purchaser into possession of
the property sold and shall grant him a certificate to the effect that he has
purchased that property.
(2) The certificate shall state whether or not the property was sold for
the recovery of an arrear due in respect thereof, and, if it was so sold, shall set
forth the encumbrances, grants, contracts and rights of occupancy, if any,
specified in the proclamation of the sale
[x x x].
(3) The certificate shall be deemed to be valid transfer of the property
and need not be registered.
(4) No suits shall be maintained against any person claiming title under
a purchase certified by the Collector on the ground that the purchase was
made on behalf of the plaintiff or on behalf of someone through whom the
plaintiff claims.
Nothing in this sub-section shall bar a suit to obtain a declaration that
the name of the purchaser certified as aforesaid was inserted in the certificate
fraudulently or without the consent of the real purchaser or interfere with the
right of a third person to proceed against that property though ostensibly
sold to the certified purchaser on the ground that it is liable to satisfy a claim
of such third person against the real owner.
(5) The certified purchaser of any immoveable property shall be entitled
to all rents and profits falling due in respect of the property after the date of
the confirmation of the sale and be liable,
[x x x] rates and falling due in
respect thereof after that date.
1. Deleted by Act X of 2005, s.11.
89. Proceeds of sale. (1) When a sale of immovable property under
this Chapter has been confirmed, the proceeds of the sale shall be applied in
the first place to the payment of any arrear including costs incurred for recovery
thereof, due to the Government from the defaulter at the date of confirmation
of the sale
[x x x] and the surplus, if any, shall be paid to the person whose
property has been sold, or, if the property sold was owned by more than one
person then to the owners, either collectively, or according to the amount of
their recorded interests, as the Collector thinks fit.
(2) The surplus shall not, except under an order of a Court, be paid to any
creditor of a person whose property has been sold.
(3) If the proceeds of the sale fall short of such arrears as are referred to
in sub-section (1), the balances remaining due from the defaulter may be
recovered from him by further proceedings under this Chapter, or by any other
means authorised by law.
Recovery of other demands by Revenue Officers
90. Recovery of certain arrears through Revenue officer instead of by
suit. An officer whose duty it is under any law or rule having the force of law
to realize a sum of money and the same is lawfully recoverable as an arrear of
land revenue may request an Assistant Collector of the first class under whose
jurisdiction the person from whom it is recoverable resides or holds any
property to realize the same as arrear of land revenue. With such request such
officer shall forward to the Assistant Collector a certificate showing the correct
amount due up to the date of such certificate :
[Provided that the period of limitation for making request before the
competent revenue authority for realising sums recoverable as arrears of land
revenue under this Chapter shall be the same as is prescribed for suits by or on
behalf of the
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir] under the *{Limitation
Act, Samvat 1995}.]
The person from whom the money is so recovered may, if he denies his
liability, sue the Government to recover the same.
91. Other sums recoverable as arrears of land revenue.In addition to
any sums recoverable as arrears of land revenue under this Act or any other
1. Deleted by Act X of 2005, s. 12.
2. Substituted by Act XXVIII or 1974, s. 2.
3. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for State.
* Now Limitation Act, 1963.
enactment for the time being in force, the following sums may be so recovered,
(a) fees, fines, costs and other charges, including rates and cesses,
payable under this Act ;
(b) revenue due to the Government on account of pasture or other
natural products of land, or on account of mills, fisheries or
natural products of water or on account of other rights described
in section 35 or section 39 in cases in which the revenue so due
has not been included in the assessment of an estate ;
(c) sums leviable by or under the authority of the Government
x x] as water rates, or on account of the maintenance or
management of canals, embankments or other irrigation works,
not being sums recoverable as arrears of land revenue under
any enactment for the time being in force ;
[(cc) sums granted on loan by the Government for advanced studies
or for undergoing advanced or special training in India or abroad
including interest or penalty, if any, chargeable thereon ;
[(ccc) loan advanced by the Government to a person who has suffered on
account of fire, flood, earthquake or a calamity of like nature ;]
[(cccc) sums advanced in pursuance of Cabinet Order No. 1547-C of
1953 dated 15th December, 1953, as loan by the Government to
craftsmen, artisans and petty traders with a view to their
rehabilitation in such craft, art or trade ;]
(d) sums payable to the Government
[x x x x] by a person who is
surety for the payment of any of the foregoing sums or of any
other sums recoverable as an arrear of land revenue ;
(e) with the previous sanction of the Government sums due to the
postal Department, the Dharmarth Department ;
[x x x]
1. Word or His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur omitted by Act X of Samvat 2010.
2. Clause (cc) substituted by Act IX of 1970.
3. Clause (ccc) inserted by Act X of Samvat 2011 w.e.f 11th Chet 2010.
4. Clause (cccc) inserted ibid.
5. Words or Highness the Maharaja Bahadur omitted by Act X of Samvat 2010.
6. Words the Private Department of His Highness the Maharaja Bahadur or the Poonch
Illaqa omitted by Act X of Samvat 2010.
[(ee) sums recoverable by the Food and Supplies Department on
account of purchase, sale, transportation, milling, husking,
storage or transit shortages of food grains and other essential
commodities including the cost of gunny bags or any other type
of containers of such food grains and essential commodities] ;
[(f) sums recoverable by Government as arrears of customs import
and export duties ;]
[(g) sums due to the Agriculture Department on account of produce
of agricultural crops including fruits, fruit contracts or supply of
chemical fertilizers ;]
[(h) sums advanced as loan by Government for construction and
repair of house or petty trades ;]
[(i) sums including interest, if any, due thereon, granted under National
Loan Scholarships Scheme of the Government of India ;]
[(j) sums advanced as loan by the Industries Department under a
Scheme relating to Intensive Development of Rural Industries ;
(k) sums recoverable by the Government under the Rules for the
grant of subsidy to persons belonging to Schedule Castes and
other Backward Classes for constructions and repairs of houses
sanctioned vide Government Order No. SW-125 of 1966 dated
24-3-1966 ;]
[(1) sums recoverable as arrears of land revenue and collected by a
public servant ;
[(m) sums due to Horticulture Department on account of sale of
Horticultural Produce, fruit plants, fertilizers, pesticides and sums
recoverable by the Government under fruit contracts or under
long term loans advanced for establishment of new orchards ;
(n) sums recoverable as cost of quarters/plots from persons
displaced from border areas as also from areas in Pak occupied
Kashmir, when these become due ;]
1. Clause (ee) substituted by Act XXVII of 1973, s. 2.
2. Clause (f) inserted by Act XII of Samvat 2011.
3. Clause (g) inserted by Act XXVIII of 1956.
4. Clause (h) substituted by Act XVI of 1966.
5. Clause (i) inserted by Act XIX of 1968.
6. Clauses (j) and (k) Added by Act III of 1969.
7. Clauses (l), (m) and (n) added by Act XV of 1972.
8. Clause (m) substituted by Act XVI of 1973, s. 4.
[(o) sums recoverable as premium on Nazool or Evacuees Land
under Government Order No. REV. (NDJ) 465 of 1972 dated 26th
May, 1972 ;
(p) sums payable to the Government under Self-Employment
Programme ;]
[(g) compensation for land acquired by
[Union territory of Jammu
and Kashmir] under any law, received by any person not entitled
to it ;]
[(r) all sums payable to the Government, which the Government may
from time to time by notification in the
[Official Gazette], declare
to be recoverable as arrears of land revenue ;
[(s) sums advanced by a Bank for the time being included in the
Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, having
an office for transacting the business of Banking in the
territory of Jammu and Kashmir], or by the Jammu and Kashmir
State Financial Corporation established under the Jammu and
Kashmir State Financial Corporation Act, 1951,
(i) for the development of Agriculture or Horticulture Industry
including fisheries, poultries, sheep and allied programme of
Agriculture or Horticulture Development ;
(ii) to industries, handicrafts, handlooms, artisans, small
business, small loans to professionals and self-employed
persons ;
(iii) under Integrated Rural Development Programme and 20-
Point Economic Programme ;
which the Government may from time to time by notification in the
Gazette], declare to be recoverable as arrears of land revenue :
Provided that no such sum shall be so declared unless determined by
such authority as the Government may from time to time notify in this behalf :
1. Clauses (o) and (p) inserted by Act XXVIII of 1973, s. 2.
2. Clause (q) added ibid.
3. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for State.
4. Clause (r) added by Act XII of 1976, s. 2.
5. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for State.
6. Clause (s) and proviso substituted by Act IX of 1984, s. 2.
[Provided further that two per cent of the amount recovered shall be
paid by a Bank for the time being included in the Second Schedule to the
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 or by the Jammu and Kashmir State Financial
Corporation, as the case may be, to the Government on account of service
charges for the recoveries affected.
[Explanation.––For purposes of the clause
(i) any reference in section 90 of this Act to an officer shall, unless
the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to
a Bank for the time being included in the second schedule of
the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 or the Jammu and Kashmir
State Financial Corporation, as the case may be ; and
(ii) “allied programmes of agriculture or horticulture development
means making land fit for cultivation, cultivation of land,
improvement of land by levelling, bunding or adopting other
means of reclamation or soil conservation, development of
the sources of irrigation viz. digging of khuls (minor canals),
lining of water courses, digging of wells, boring of tube-wells,
installation of diesel engines or electrification of tube-wells,
purchase of pumping sets, spray and sprinkler equipment,
laying of water pipes, raising and harvesting of seasonal crops
and other products, farm mechanisation like purchase of
tractors, hand tillers, power tillers thrashers, tractor trollies,
cane crushers, establishment, development, maintenance and
expansion of horticulture, forestry, cattle breeding, seed
farming and such other activities as are generally carried on
by agriculturists, dairy farmers, cattle breeders poultry farmery
and other categories of persons engaged in similar activities
including marketing of agricultural products, their storage
and transport and the acquisition of implements and
machinery in connection with any such activity, purchase of
pack animals like mules, horses, camels, bullocks, oxen,
donkeys and purchase of bullock carts, horse carts, camel
carts or any other like purpose ;
(t) sums advanced as loan by the Jammu and Kashmir Rajya Sainik
Board to ex-serviceman ;
1. Substituted by Act XVIII of 1981, s. 2.
2. Inserted ibid.
[(u) sums granted by the Central Government as relief and
rehabiliation assistance to person displaced from Chhamb
Niabat area in 1971, received by a person entitle to it ;
[(v) Sums advanced as loans to the Khadi institutions operating in
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir] by the Khadi and
Village Industries Commission.]
92. Application of Chapter VII to sums recoverable under this Chapter.––
The provisions of Chapter VII shall, with respect to any sum mentioned or
referred to in this Chapter, apply, so far as they can be made applicable, as if
the sum were an arrear of land revenue and the person from whom, either as
principal or as surety, it is due, were a defaulter in respect of such an arrear.
[x x x x]
92-A. Recovery of certain arrear through Revenue officer instead of by
suit.– When a village officer required by rules under section 20 to collect any
[x x x] sum recoverable as an arrear of land revenue satisfies a Revenue officer
that the
[x x x] sum has fallen due and has not been paid to him, the Revenue
officer may, subject to any rules which the Government may make in this behalf
recover it as if it were an arrear of land revenue.
93. Power of Government to make rules for demarcation of boundaries
and erection of survey-marks. –(1) The Government may make rules as to the
manner in which the boundaries of all or any estate in any local area are to be
demarcated and as to the survey-marks to be created within those estates.
(2) Rules under this section may prescribe, among other matters, the
forms of survey-marks and the material to be used in their construction.
94. Power of Revenue officer to define boundaries. (1) A Revenue
Officer may, for the purpose of framing any record or making assessment under
this Act or on the application of any person interested, define the limits of any
estate, or of any holding, tenancy, field or other portion of an estate, and may,
1. Inserted by Act XVIII of 1981, s. 2.
2. Inserted by Act VIII of 1999, s. 2.
3. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for State.
4. Sub-section (2) deleted by Act X of 2005, s.13.
5. The words “land revenue or deleted ibid, s.14.
6. The words “revenue or deleted ibid.
for the purpose of indicating those limits, require survey-marks to be erected
or repaired.
(2) In defining the limits of any land under sub-section (1), the Revenue
Officer may cause survey-marks to be erected on any boundary already
determined by, or by order of, any Court, or Revenue Officer, or restore any
survey-mark already set up by, or by order of, any Court or any such officer.
(3) The Revenue Officer to whom an application under this section may
be made may depute another Revenue officer subordinate to him to take the
necessary proceedings.
95. Power of Revenue officer in proceedings under section 94 to reinstate
party dispossessed. (1) In any proceeding under section 94 if it appears to
the Revenue Officer that any of the parties to the proceedings has, within a
period of six months preceding the date of his order illegally encroached upon
any land adjacent to the boundary defined, and previously in the lawful
possession of any of the other parties to the proceeding, he may by his order
direct that the party dispossessed be placed in possession of such land :
Provided that, no order under this section shall be passed by any officer
below the rank of an Assistant Collector of the first class and if proceedings
under section 94 are taken by an inferior officer he shall submit the case for
orders to the Assistant Collector of the first class having jurisdiction.
(2) The party dissatisfied with the order of the Revenue Officer passed
under sub-section (1) may seek his remedy in the Civil Court and subject to the
decision of the Civil Court such order shall be final.
96. Cost of erection and repair of survey-marks. Subject to any rules
which the Government may make in this behalf, survey-marks shall be erected
and kept in repair by or at the cost of the persons interested in the land, for the
indication of the limits of which they are required :
Provided that, the Government may in any case direct that the cost of
erection shall be borne by the Government or be paid out of the proceeds of
the village officers cess.
97. Recovery of cost incurred by the Government. (1) If the persons
interested in the land fail to erect or repair a survey-mark within thirty days
from the date of their being required to do so by a Revenue Officer, the latter
may cause it to be erected or repaired.
(2) Where a Revenue Officer causes a survey-mark to be erected or
repaired, he shall subject to any rules or direction issued under the last
foregoing section apportion the cost among the persons interested in the land
in such manner as he deems just.
The cost, if not paid, may be recovered as if it were an arrear of land
98. Power of Revenue officers to enter on land for purposes of survey
and demarcation.Any Revenue Officer and person acting under the orders
of a Revenue Officer, may, in the discharge of any duty under this Act, enter
upon and survey land and erect survey-marks thereon and demarcate the
boundaries thereof, and do all other acts necessary for the proper performance
of that duty.
99. Surveys for purpose of preparation of records. When any land is
being surveyed in pursuance of rules framed under section 33 (c), any Revenue
Officer directing the survey may, by notice or proclamation, require all persons
having rights or interests in the land to indicate, within a specified time, by
temporary marks of a kind to be described in the notice or proclamation, the
limits to those rights or interests.
Any person failing to comply with the notice shall be liable to pay a fine
not exceeding Rs. 10 under the orders of the Revenue Officer directing the survey.
100. Provision of flag-holders and chainmen for surveys.(1) For the
purpose of the survey of any land in pursuance of rules framed under section
33, clause (i), the land-holders shall be bound to provide fit persons to act as
flag-holders and chainmen.
(2) If the land-holders fail to provide such persons or to provide them in
sufficient number, such other persons as a Revenue Officer considers necessary
may be employed, and the cost of employing them recovered from the land-
holders as if it were an arrear of land revenue.
101. Professional surveys. (1) If it is necessary to make a survey by
other agency than that of Revenue Officers or village officers the Government
may publish a notification stating
(a) the local area to be surveyed and the nature of the survey ;
(b) the names or official designations of the officers by whom the
survey is to be made ; and
(c) the kind of survey-marks to be erected by those officers.
(2) From the date of the notification the officers specified therein, and
the persons acting under their orders, shall have for purposes of the survey
the powers conferred on Revenue Officers by section 98.
[(3) (a) The Board subject to such conditions and restrictions and in
such manner as may be prescribed, at its own or authorise an
officer not below the rank of Collector, to issue license to any
person referred to as Licensed Surveyor, possessing the
prescribed qualifications and experience as fixed by the Board
for the purposes of survey, assessment and settlements of
boundaries and connected matters.
(b) The fee payable to a License Surveyor shall be as prescribed
by the Board from time to time.]
102. Penalty for destruction, injury or removal of survey-marks. (1) If
any person wilfully destroys or injuries, or without lawful authority removes a
survey-mark lawfully erected, he may be ordered by a Revenue Officer not
below the rank of a Tehsildar to pay such fine not exceeding fifty rupees for
each mark so destroyed, injured or removed as may, in the opinion of the said
officer, be necessary to defray the expense of restoring the same and of
rewarding the person, if any, who gave information of the destruction, injury
or removal.
(2) The imposition of a fine under this section shall not bar a prosecution
under section 434 of the Ranbir Penal Code.
103. Report of destruction or removal of, or injury to, survey-marks.
Every village officer of an estate shall be legally bound to furnish a Revenue
Officer with information respecting the destruction or removal of, or any injury
done to, any survey-mark lawfully erected in the estate.
104. Effect of partitions of estates and tenancies on joint liability for
revenue and rent. (1) A partition of land either under this Chapter or
otherwise, shall not, without the express consent of the
Commissioner,] affect the joint liability of the land or of the land-holders thereof,
for the revenue payable in respect of the land in estates wherein under section
1. Sub-section (3) inserted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
2. Substituted by Act XI of 1956 for “Commissioner”.
54 of this Act such joint liability exists, or operate to create a new estate, and if
any conditions are attached to that consent, those conditions shall be binding
on the parties to the partition.
(2) A partition of a tenancy shall not, without the express consent of the
landlord, affect the joint liability of the co-sharers therein for the payment of the
rent thereof.
[105. Application for partition.Any joint holder of land
[x x x x] or
any mortgagee with possession of the share of such holder or tenant, may
apply to a Revenue Officer for partition of his share in the land or tenancy, as
the case may be, if–
(a) at the date of the application the share is recorded under Chapter
IV as belonging to him, or
(b) his right to the share has been established by a decree which is still
subsisting at that date, or
(c) a written acknowledgement of that right has been executed by all
persons interested in the admission or denial thereof.]
106. Restrictions and limitations on partition. Notwithstanding
anything in the last foregoing section
(1) places of worship, cremation and burial grounds held in common
before partition shall continue to be so held after partition, unless
the parties otherwise agree among themselves and record their
agreement and file it with the officer making the partition ;
(2) partition of any of the following properties namely:
(a) any embankment, water-course, well or tank and any land on
which the supply of water to any such work may depend,
(b) any grazing ground, and
(c) any land which is occupied as the site of a town or village
and is assessed to the land revenue,
may be refused if, in the opinion of the
[Revenue officer,] the partition of such
property is likely to cause inconvenience to the co-sharers, or other persons
1. Section 105 substituted by Act VIII of Samvat 2004.
2. Certain words omitted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020. (For earlier amendment see
Act II of Samvat 2007).
3. Substituted by Act VIII of 2004 for “Partition Officer.
directly or indirectly interested therein, or to diminish the utility thereof to
those persons ;
(3) the fact that a partition on the application of a joint holder or land
would render necessary the surverance into two or more parts of
[erstwhile tenancy] of
[an occupant] having a right of occupancy
may, unless
[the occupant] assents to the surverance, be a sufficient
reason for the disallowance of the partition in so far as it would
[that occupancy] ; and
(4) the fact that the landlord objects to the partition of a tenancy may
be sufficient reason for the absolute disallowance of the partition
107. Notice of application for partition. The
[Revenue officer] shall,
if the application is in order and not open to objection on the face of it, fix a day
for the hearing thereof, and
(a) cause notice of the application and of the day so fixed to be served
on such of the recorded co-sharers as have not joined in the
application and, if the share of which partition is applied for is a
share in the tenancy, on the landlord also; and
(b) if he thinks fit, cause the notice to be served on, or proclaimed for
the information of, any other persons whom he may deem to be
directly or indirectly interested in the application.
108. Addition of parties to application.–– On the day fixed for the hearing,
or any day to which the hearing may be adjourned, the
[Revenue officer] shall
ascertain whether any of the other co-sharers desire the partition of their shares
also, and, if any of them so desire, he shall add them as applicants for partition.
109. Absolute disallowance of partition. After examining such of the co-
sharers and other persons as may be present on that day, the Revenue officer may,
if he is of opinion that there is good and sufficient cause why partition should be
absolutely disallowed refuse the application, recording the grounds of his refusal.
110. Procedure on objection that partition has already been made
privately.– If it is alleged by any of the co-sharers that the land or the tenancy
has already been divided by a partition made privately, the Revenue officer,
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for the land comprised in the tenancy”.
2. Substituted ibid for a tenant.
3. Substituted ibid for the tenant.
4. Substituted ibid for that tenancy.
5. Substituted by Act VIII of Samvat 2004 for Partition Officer.
notwithstanding anything to the contrary in section 32 of this Act, shall proceed
as though the objection was an application under section 118 of this Act, and
if he finds that private partition has in fact been made, may pass orders affirming
it, and refusing the application made under section 105 of this Act.
111. Procedure on admission of application. If the
[Revenue officer]
does not refuse the application under the two last foregoing sections, he shall
ascertain the questions, if any, in dispute between any of the persons interested
distinguishing between
(a) question as to title in the property of which partition is sought,
including question as to the property to be divided ; and
(b) the mode of making the partition.
111-A. Objection raising question of title. ––(1) If any objection is made
by a recorded co-sharer involving a question of proprietary title which has not
been already determined by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the
officer] may either
(a) decline to grant the application until the question in dispute has
been determined by a competent Court, or
(b) require any party to the case to institute within three months a suit
in the Civil Court for the determination of such question, or
(c) proceed to enquire into the merits of the objection.
(2) When the proceedings have been postponed under clause (b), if such
party fails to comply with the requisition, the
[Revenue officer] shall decide
the question against him. If he institutes the suit the
[Revenue officer] shall
deal with the case in accordance with the decision of the Civil Court.
(3) If the
[Revenue officer] decides to enquire into the merits of the
objection, he shall follow the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil Procedure
for the trial of original suits.
112. Collectors decrees equivalent to decrees of Civil Court. All
decrees passed under sub-section (3) of the preceding section shall be held to
be decrees of a Court of civil jurisdiction of the first instance and
notwithstanding anything contained in section 11 shall be open to appeal to
the District Judge or High Court, as the case may be, under the rules applicable
to appeals to those Courts.
1. Substituted by Act VIII of Samvat 2004 for Partition Officer.
112-A. Stay of partition pending decision of appeal. The Appellate
Court may issue a precept to the
[Revenue officer] directing him to stay the
partition pending the decision of the appeal, whether the appeal is pending
from a Civil Court under section 111-A (1) (b) or from the Court of the
officer] under section 111-A (3).
113. Disposal of other questions. (1) When there is a question as to
the mode of making a partition the
[Revenue officer] shall, after such enquiry
as he deems necessary, record an order stating his decision on the question
and his reasons for the decision.
(2) An appeal may be preferred from an order under sub-section (1), and
when such an appeal is preferred and the institution thereof has been certified
to the
[Revenue officer] by the officer to whom the appeal has been preferred,
[Revenue officer] shall stay proceedings pending the disposal of the appeal.
(3) If an applicant for partition is dissatisfied with an original or appellate
order under this section, and applies for permission to withdraw from the
proceedings in so far as they relate to the partition of his share, he shall be
permitted to withdraw therefrom on such terms as the Revenue officer thinks fit.
(4) When an applicant withdraws under the last foregoing sub-section,
[Revenue officer] may, where the other applicants, if any, desire the
continuance of the proceedings, continue them in so far as they relate to the
partition of the shares of those other applicants.
114. Administration of property excluded from partition.– When any such
property as is referred to in section 106, clause (2), is excluded from partition, the
Revenue officer may determine the extent and manner to and in which the co-
sharers and other persons interested therein may make use thereof, and the
proportion in which expenditure incurred thereon and profits derived therefrom,
respectively, are to be borne by and divided among those persons or any of them.
115. Distribution of revenue and rent after partition.(1) The amount
of revenue to be paid in respect of each of the holdings into which land has
been divided on a partition, and the amount of rent to be paid in respect of
each of the portions into which a tenancy has been so divided, shall be
determined by the
[Revenue officer] making the partition.
(2) The determination of the
[Revenue officer] as to the revenue to be
paid in respect of each holding shall, where the estate in which the holding is
situate is subject to a fixed assessment, be deemed to be an order under section
49, sub-section (1).
1. Substituted by Act VIII of Samvat 2004 for Partition Officer.
(3) Where new estates have been created at a partition and the land
revenue has been fraudulently or erroneously distributed among them, the
[Divisional Commissioner] may, at any time, within 3 years of the confirmation
of the partition, order a new distribution of the land revenue among the several
estates, on an estimate of the assets of each estate at the time of partition, to
be made conformably to the evidence and information procurable respecting
the same.
116. Instrument of partition.–– When a partition is completed the Revenue
officer shall cause an instrument of partition to be prepared, and the date on
which the partition is to take effect to be recorded therein.
117. Delivery of possession of property allotted on partition. When
the order of partition has become final the officer making the partition shall put
the parties entitled to separate possession into possession of such properties.
If for any reason any party to a partition complains that he has not been
put into separate possession of the lands to which he is entitled under the
partition, he may apply to the
[Revenue officer] or his successor in office to
put him in possession.
Such an application must be made within three years of the preparation
of the instrument of partition as prepared under section 116. If an application
be made after the expiry of three years the applicant shall be referred to the
Civil Court to seek his relief by a suit for possession.
118. Affirmation of partitions privately effected. (1) In any case in
which a partition has been made without the intervention of a Revenue officer
any party thereto may apply to an Assistant Collector of the first class for an
order affirming the partition.
(2) On receiving the application, the Assistant Collector shall inquire
into the case, and if he finds that the partition has in fact been made, he may
make an order affirming it and proceed under sections 114, 115, 116 and 117 or
any of those sections, as circumstances may require, in the same manner as if
the partition had been made on an application to himself under this Chapter.
[118-A. Partition of Shamilat lands. Nothing contained in sections
110, 111, 111-A, 112, 112-A, 113, 116, 117 or 118 shall apply to such lands as are
recorded as Shamilat under Chapter IV of this Act.
1. Substituted by Act XI of 1965.
2. Substituted by Act VIII of Samvat 2004 for Partition Officer.
3. Sections 118-A, 118-B, 118-C, 118-D and 118-E added by Act XII of Samvat 2005.
118-B. Procedure for dealing with applications for partition of Shamilat
lands. If the Revenue officer does not refuse the application for partition of
Shamilat land under section 109 or he is satisfied by a reference to the revenue
record that the existing possession on lands recorded as Shamilat is not
according to the shares of the co-sharing proprietors, he shall proceed to
ascertain the individual shares of all the co-sharers and after deciding any
question of title under the provisions of the next following section, make an
order determining the mode of partition and specifying the area allotted to
each one of such co-sharers.
118-C. Disposal of questions of title. (1) If during the course of
proceedings taken under the foregoing section an objection is raised by a co-
sharer involving a question of title, the Revenue officer shall, after such summary
enquiry as may be necessary, record his decision thereon giving his reasons
for such decision.
(2) An order passed by the Revenue officer under sub-section (1) shall
not he appealable or open to revision but shall be subject to any decree or
order which may subsequently be passed by any Civil Court of competent
118-D. Completion of partition and delivery of possession. ––(1) When
partition proceedings in respect of land recorded as Shamilat are completed,
the Revenue officer shall put each of the co-sharers into separate possession
of the lands to which he is entitled under the partition.
(2) If for any reason any co-sharer is precluded from being put into
possession as provided for in sub-section (1), he may, within one year from the
date of the order passed under section 118-B, apply to the Revenue officer or
his successor in office to put him into possession.
118-E. Procedure for determining mode of partition where Shamilat
land held by a co-sharer exceeds the share due. (1) In determining the mode
of partition under section 118-B, where a co-sharer in Shamilat is found to hold
Shamilat land in excess of the share to which he is entitled and upon such
lands improvements of any kind have been made, he shall be given an option
of exchanging an area equal to that found in excess from out of his basic
holding or Shamilat for distribution amongst those who are found to hold
Shamilat land less than their due shares.
(2) Where any person who is not a co-sharer in Shamilat is found to hold
any Shamilat land or where a co-sharer in Shamilat refuses to avail of the
option provided in sub-section (1), or after availing of such option further land
in excess is found to remain in his possession, such land shall
(a) if it contains an orchard, be allotted, in joint ownership to such co-
sharers as are found to possess Shamilat land less than their due
sharers subject to the condition, that such land shall not be further
partitioned, and
(b) if it contains trees other then fruit bearing trees, building or structure,
the possessor thereof shall be given an option of removing such
trees, or the material of such building or structure within a period
of three months from the date the mode of partition is sanctioned].
119. Power to make rules as to costs of partition.– The Government
may make rules–
(a) for determining the costs of partitions under this Chapter and the
mode in which such costs to be apportioned ;
(b) prescribing forms for use in proceedings under this Chapter ;
(c) prescribing fees and stamp duties ; and
(d) generally for carrying out the purposes of this Chapter.
[119-A. Proceedings.–Proceedings under this Chapter shall be taken
by a Revenue officer not below the rank of an Assistant Collector of the first
[ x x x].
119-B. Land leaseagreement, termination, rights and responsibilities.
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, the Government may
through a notification in the Official Gazette, formulate procedures and
conditions for leasing in or leasing out of agricultural land for agriculture and
allied activities, consistent with the provisions of this Act.
1. Section 119-A inserted by Act VIII of Samvat 2004.
2. Words or Assistant Settlement Officer omitted by Act III of Samvat 2008.
3. New Chapters inserted by S.O. 3808 (E) dated 26.10.2020.
119-C. Preparation of Regional Plan by Board. ––(1) Except the “Local
Area as defined under the Development Act, 1970, including the areas falling
under the Development Authorities constituted under the said Act, the Board
shall be the development authority for all land and shall be responsible for
preparation of Regional Plan or Plans, as the case may be.
(2) In preparation of Regional Plan or Plans as referred to in sub-section
(1), the Board shall fallow process as mentioned in the Development Act, 1970.
(3) In preparation of the Regional Plan or Plans as referred to in sub-
section (1), the Board shall have consideration to
(i) overall developmental objectives of the Government ;
(ii) development of agriculture in the Union territory ;
(iii) protection of land falling under saffron, orchards, vegetable and
other crops as considered necessary by the Board ;
(iv) optimum utilisation of water and other resources ;
(v) protection of ecology, environment and wildlife ;
(vi) impact of climate change and changes required in cropping pattern ;
(vii) requirement of land for developmental purposes including
residential ;
(viii) any other objectives as conveyed by the Government to the Board
or deemed fit by the Board.
119-D. Offences and Penalties. Notwithstanding anything contained
in this Act or the rules made thereunder whoever commits any of the offence
specified in column (2) of the Table below, shall on conviction by a Judicial
Magistrate of first class for each of such offence be punishable with the sentence
indicated in column (3) of the said Table, namely:
S.No. Offence Punishment
(1) (2) (3)
1. Whoever cheats and thereby dishonestly Imprisonment for three
creates documents for the purpose of selling, years and fine of ten
mortgaging or transferring by gift or other- thousand rupees.
wise of any Government land.
2. Whoever creates a forged document regar- Imprisonment for three
ding Government land with an intention to years and fine of five
use it for that purpose or to grab such land. thousand rupees.
119-E. Punishment under other laws not barred. Nothing in this Act
shall prevent any person from being prosecuted and punished under any other
law for the time being in force for any act or omission made punishable by or
under this Act :
Provided that no person shall be so prosecuted and punished for the
same offence more than once.
119-F. Offences by companies. Where an offence under this Act is
committed by a company, every person who, at the time the offence was
committed, was in charge of, and was responsible to the company for the
conduct of the business of the company as well as the company shall be
deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against
and punished accordingly.
119-G. The Board shall be competent for upward revision of the fines
provided under this Act from time to time.]
120. Power to refer to arbitration.–– The law as to arbitration as contained
[Schedule II of the Civil Procedure Code], shall apply to arbitration in matters
arising under this Act.
1. Now the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
121. Procedure to be followed in Settlement proceedings when a question
of title arises. If, in the course of the record-of-rights or of revision of the
record-of-rights in any local area in pursuance of notification issued under
section 22, any question of title arises it will be decided summarily
[by the
Collector of the first class whose decision, subject to such orders as may be
passed in appeal by the Divisional Commissioner shall be binding] on the
parties till it is set aside by a decree of the Civil Court.
When such a decree is made the record-of-rights shall be corrected, if
necessary in accordance therewith, on an application to the
[Collector] within
whose jurisdiction the property affected is situate.
Revenue Deposits
122. Power to deposit certain sums other than rent.In either of the
following cases, namely :
(a) when a headman or other land-holder or an assignee of land revenue
to whom any sum other than rent is payable on account of liability
under this Act, refuses to receive the sum from, or to grant a receipt
therefor to, the person by whom it is payable, or
(b) when the person by whom any such sum is payable is in doubt as
to the headman or other land-holder, or the assignee of land
revenue, entitled to receive it,
that person may apply to Tehsildar within whose local jurisdiction the land in
respect of which the payment is to be made is situate, for leave to deposit the
sum in his office, and he shall receive the deposit, if after examining the
applicant, he is satisfied that there is sufficient ground for the application, and
if the applicant pays the fee, if any, which may be chargeable on any notice to
be issued of the receipt thereof.
(2) When a deposit has been so received, the liability of the depositor to
the headman or other land-holder, or the assignee of land revenue, for the
amount thereof shall be discharged.
1. Substituted by Act III of Samvat 2008 for Wazir-i-Wazarat.
2. Substituted ibid for “Wazir-i-Wazarat.
123. Disposal of the deposit. (1) The Tehsildar receiving the deposit
under the foregoing section shall give a notice of the deposit to every person
who he has reason to believe claims or is entitled to the deposit and may pay
the amount, to any person or persons appearing to him to be entitled to the
same. In case he is unable to decide who should receive the amount, he shall
record his reasons therefor and may retain the deposit pending the decision of
a Civil Court.
(2) No suit or other proceeding shall be maintained against either the
Government or any of its officers for any act done under this section. Nothing
herein contained shall prevent the rightful person from maintaining a suit for
recovery of the money from the person to whom the same may have been paid.
Execution of Orders of Civil and Criminal Courts by Revenue officers
124. Orders of Civil and Criminal Courts for execution of processes
against land or the produce thereof to be addressed to a Revenue officer.
Orders issued by any Civil or Criminal Court for the attachment, sale or delivery
of any land or interest in land or for the attachment or sale of the produce of
any land shall be addressed to the Collector and shall be executed by him or
any officer appointed by him in accordance with the provisions of the law
applicable to the Court issuing the orders and with any rules consistent
therewith, made by the Government in consultation with the High Court.
125. Attachment of assigned land revenue. (1) Notwithstanding
anything in any other enactment for the time being in force, an order issued by
any Court for the attachment of assigned land revenue shall require the person
by whom the revenue is payable to pay it to the Tehsildar and the Tehsildar to
hold it subject to the further orders of the Court.
(2) A payment to the Tehsildar under sub-section (1) shall be an effectual
discharge to the person making it.
Preservation of attached Produce
126. Preservation of attached produce. ––(1) The attachment of the
produce of any land in pursuance of an order of any Court or other authority
shall not prevent the person to whom the produce belongs from reaping,
gathering or storing it, or doing any other act necessary for its preservation.
(2) The attaching officer shall do or cause to be done all acts necessary
for the preservation of the produce if the person to whom it belongs fails to do
(3) When sale of produce follows on to attachment, the purchaser shall
be entitled, by himself or by any person appointed by him in this behalf, to
enter on the place where the produce is and do all that is necessary for the
purpose of preserving and removing it.
Division of Produce
127. Division of produce. In either of the following cases, namely: ––
(a) where land revenue is paid by division or appraisement of the
produce ;
(b) where a superior and an inferior land-holder, or two or more share-
holders in a holding of tenancy, are jointly interested in any produce
and either or any of the
[land-holders or occupant], as the case
may be, desires the assistance of a Revenue officer, for the purpose
of dividing or appraising the produce;
the provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Tenancy Act, 1980, with respect to
the division or appraisement of produce, shall apply so far as they can he made
128. Village Cesses. (1) No village cess which is not sanctioned by the
Government and the levy of which has not been established by judicial decision
shall be levied in any estate by any landlord over and above the rent payable
[an occupant].
(2) When a record-of-rights is being made or revised for an estate, or
when the local area in which an estate is situate is being generally reassessed
or at any other time when an order is made by the Government with respect to
any estate, an Assistant Collector of the first class shall prepare a list of village
cesses, if any, levied in the estate, which have been generally or specially
approved by the Government.
(3) The Government may impose on the collection of any village cess
comprised in the list prepared as above such conditions as to expenditure on
Police or other establishments connected with the village market or fair as the
Government may think fit.
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for land-holders or tenant.
2. Substituted ibid for a tenant.
(4) The Government may declare whether any particular cess, contribution
or due levied in an estate is or in not a village cess and the said declaration
shall be conclusive.
A cess or contribution levied in an estate shall cease to be leviable if it is
not included in the list of cesses declared leviable by the Government.
129. Omitted.
130. Omitted.
131. Omitted.
132. Penalty for failure to attend in obedience to order of Revenue
officer. (1) If a person required by a summons, notice, order or proclamation
proceeding from a Revenue officer under the provisions of this Act to attend at
a certain time at any place within the limits of his jurisdiction fails to comply
with the requisition without a reasonable excuse, he shall be liable at the
discretion of the Revenue officer to a fine which may extend to
[rupees fifty
thousand] but shall not be less than
[rupees five thousand] in any case.
[(2) The fine so imposed shall be recoverable as arrears of land revenue.]
133. Prevention of encroachment on common land. (1) When land
which has been reserved for the common purposes of the co-sharers therein
has been encroached on by any co-sharer, a Revenue officer not below the
rank of an Assistant Collector of the first class or the officer in-charge of the
Settlement or an Assistant Collector of the first class subordinate to him may,
on the application of any other co-sharer, eject the encroaching co-sharer from
the land, and, by order duly proclaimed, forbid repetition of the encroachment.
[(2) Prevention of encroachments on or cultivation of common land, or
land reserved for public purposes or of which cultivation has been prohibited
or is objectionable, or, by person, not entitled to, bring it under cultivation.
(a) Subject to any law, agreement, custom, usage or any decree or order of any
Court or other authority, for the time being in force, every person shall exercise
the right of user in respect of any road, street, lane, path, Water Channel,
Water Course and Water Source and other common land defined as such in
any law or declared as such by the Government or the Board ;
1. Sections 129, 130 and 131 omitted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
2. Substituted ibid for rupees two thousand and “rupees one thousand respectively. (For
earlier amendment see Act VII of 2002).
3. Added bt Act VII of 2002.
4. Sub-section (2) substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
(b) The right of user permitted by clause (a) shall not be deemed to
include or otherwise confer, create or assign any right of encroachment, whether
by means of construction, including fencing, walling or putting any barrier or
by breaking up of land, diversion or otherwise.
(2-A) Penalty for denial of or obstruction in the exercise of right or for
encroachment.—(a) Where any person is denied, or obstructed in, the lawful
exercise of his right of user as provided in sub-section (1), or where any person
has taken possession of or brought under cultivation or otherwise encroached
upon any common land as described above, or when any person, without due
authority, has taken possession of land belonging to the Government, a Revenue
Officer may, on his own motion or on the application of any person interested
and after such enquiry as may be deemed necessary,
(i) direct the free exercise of the right of user and the removal of the
obstruction, where the exercise of such right is found to have been
denied or obstructed ;
(ii) eject the person who has taken possession of or brought under
cultivation or otherwise encroached upon such common land and
take possession of such land without paying any compensation
for crops or improvements, and may also, by order duly proclaimed,
forbid repetition of the encroachment ;
(iii) inflict a fine not less than twenty five thousand rupees and as
prescribed by Board from time to time, on such person or persons
as are found to have denied or obstructed the exercise of the right
of user in respect of or to have taken possession of or brought
under cultivation or otherwise encroached upon such common land.
(b) Orders of removal of obstruction or ejectment under sub-section (3)
shall be enforced in the manner provided in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(5 of 1908).
(c) Where the Government land has been encroached upon, the person
committing the offence, on conviction by a Judicial Magistrate of first class
shall, for each of such offence, be punishable with imprisonment of one year or
a fine of not less than twenty-five thousand rupees or both.]
(3) When land has been brought under cultivation by a person entitled
under the rules or orders in force to bring it under cultivation, but a Revenue
officer not below the rank of Tehsildar in any enquiry made under section 24 of
this Act finds that, for reasons to be recorded by him, the cultivation of such
land should be prohibited, he may eject the person cultivating it and may, by
order duly proclaimed, forbid its further cultivation.
[(4) No compensation shall be claimed by any person for any damage
which he may sustain in consequence of the dismantling of any structure or
removal of any material from the site under this section.]
[x x x x]
[(6) In enforcing these orders a Revenue Officer shall have all the powers
in regard to contempts, resistance and the like which a Civil Court may exercise
in the execution of a decree.
(7) Any fine, if not paid in cash, shall be recovered as an arrear of land
[133-A. Restriction on conversion of agricultural land and process for
permission of nonagriculture (NA) use. ––(1) Subject to the procedure notified
in sub-section (4), no land used for agriculture purposes shall be used for any
non-agricultural purposes except with the permission of the District Collector:
Provided that the permission for conversion of land notified as Saffron
Belt shall be made as per procedure prescribed under the Jammu and Kashmir
Saffron Act, 2007 :
Provided further that holder of any agriculture land may construct a
residential house or erect farm building, grain storage, primary processing of
agriculture produce, wells or tanks or make any other improvements thereon
for residential purpose or agricultural improvement, on intimation to the
Tehsildar concerned, however, the plinth area of such building or improvement
shall not exceed four hundred Square meters in total :
Provided also that any attempt to convert agriculture land for
nonagriculture use by contravening the aforesaid provisos by way of
fragmenting the land or otherwise shall be considered violation of the
provisions of this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), an owner or
occupant, who wishes to put his agricultural land into non-agricultural uses as
provided in the regional plan, development plan or master plan as the case may
1. Sub-section (4) substituted by Act XXVIII of 1973, s. 3.
2. Sub-sections (4-a), (4-b) and (5) omitted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
3. Sub-sections (6) and (7) inserted ibid.
4. Section 133-A substituted ibid.
be, shall do so it after payment of conversion charges as prescribed by the
Board from time to time.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (1) and (2), no
such permission shall be granted in the areas notified as Eco-sensitive Zone
by the Government.
(4) The Board shall notify detailed procedure, prescribe forms and fix fee
for conversion of agriculture land to non-agricultural purpose.]
[133-B. No person shall
(a) convert any water-surface, water field or floating field into land by
filling or by any other process ;
(b) fill with earth, stones, rubble or any other matter or fence or enclose
in any manner whatsoever, any water, for creating a water field or
floating field or expanding the area of any authorised water field or
a floating field ;
(c) use any water surface, water field or floating field for mooring a
floating field (Radh) thereon within such limits as may by specified
by the Government;
in any lake in Kashmir Province without the permission in writing of the
EXPLANATION:For purposes of this section Lake in Kashmir
Province, means “Gagribal Lake”, “Dal Lake”, “Nagin Lake”, “Anchar Lake”,
“Mansbal Lake, “Hokarsar Lake, Haigam Rakh, and such other lakes as
may be notified by the Government from time to time and every such lake shall
comprise of such areas, waters, water fields and floating fields as the Government
may, by general or special order specify in respect of each lake.
[133-BB. Restriction on use of grazing land, etc. and prohibition on
transfer. ––(1) The land which is in the form of grazing land, arak, kap or kah-
i-krisham or which grows fuel or fodder and belongs to such class as is notified
by the Government shall not be used for any other purpose except with the
permission of the District Collector who shall accord permission only in
accordance to the regulations notified by the Board :
1. Sections 133-B, 133-C, 133-D, 133-E, 133-F and 135-G inserted by Act VI of 1971.
2. Section 133-BB inserted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
Provided that such permission shall be deemed to be accorded where
land is being acquired permanently or hired temporarily for public purposes
under the relevant Act :
Provided further that the transfer of such land or any interest therein
shall not be permissible and no documents relating to the transfer of such land
shall be admitted to registration.
(2) The Board shall be competent to notify regulations for the purposes
of this section.]
[133-C. Land converted in violation to escheat to Government. (1)
Any land converted for other purposes in violation of the provisions of
section133-A or section133-B or 133-BB shall escheat to the Government.
(2) The Collector or any other officer as he may authorise, may direct
such person to remove the contravention and restore the land or water-surface
or water field or floating field, as the case may be, to its original condition by a
particular date and if such person fails to do so, within the prescribed time, the
Collector or such officer may, remove or cause to be removed the contravention
and in doing so, may use such force as may be necessary and impose the cost
of restoration thereof on the violator.
(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-section
(2), the person found to have contravened the provisions of section 133-A or
section 133-B or Section 133-BB, shall be punishable by the Collector or any
officer not below the rank of an Assistant Collector of the first class as may be
authorised by him with penalty which may extend to twenty-five thousand
rupees and till such time such contravention is removed he shall be punished
further with a penalty of five thousand rupees for each day during which the
contravention continues.
(4) (a) Any person aggrieved by an order made under section133-C
or section 133-D, may prefer an appeal to the Divisional
Commissioner within a period of thirty days from the date the
order is passed.
(b) An appeal under clause (a) shall not operate as a stay of the
proceedings under an order appealed from.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time
being in force, nothing done or purporting to have been done by the Collector,
or the officer authorised by him in this behalf, under sections 133-A, 133-B,
1. Section 133-C substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
133-BB or 133-C shall be called in question in any Court and no Court shall
entertain any suit or proceeding or grant any injunction with respect to any
action or thing or any matter for which a proceeding has been taken under the
said provisions.]
133-D. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 133-C, the person
found under that section to have contravened the provisions of section 133-A
or section 133-B, shall be punishable by the Collector or any officer not below
the rank of an Assistant Collector of the first class as may be authorised by him
with fine which may extend to
[twenty-five thousand rupees] and till such
time such contravention is removed he shall be punished further with a fine of
[five thousand rupees] for each day.
133-E. Omitted.
133-F. (1) Any person aggrieved by an order made under section 133-C or
section 133-D, may prefer an appeal to the Divisional Commissioner within a
period of thirty days from the date the order is passed.
(2) An appeal under sub-section (1) shall not operate as a stay of the
proceedings under an order appealed from :
Provided that the Divisional Commissioner may stay the execution of the
order under section 133-C and section 133-D, if he is satisfied that substantial
loss may result to the party applying for stay of execution unless the order is
made and that sufficient security has been given by the applicant for the due
performance of such an order as may ultimately be binding upon him.
133-G. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time
being in force, nothing done or purporting to have been done by the Collector,
or the officer authorised by him in this behalf, under sections 133-A, 133-B,
133-C and 133-D or by the Divisional Commissioner under section 133-F, shall
be called in question in any Court and no Court shall entertain any suit or
proceeding or grant any injunction with respect to any action or thing or any
matter for which a proceeding has been taken under the said provisions.]
[133-H. Transfer of land to non-agriculturist barred. (1) Save as
provided in this Act,
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for “five thousand rupees” and “five hundred
rupees” respectively. (For earlier amendment see Act VII of 2002).
2. Section 133-E omitted ibid.
3. Section 133-H, 133-I, 133-J, 133-K and 133-L inserted ibid.
(a) no sale (including sale in execution of a decree of a Civil court or
for recovery of arrears of land revenue or for sum recoverable as
arrears of land revenue), gift or exchange, or
(b) no mortgage of any land or interest therein, in which the possession
of mortgaged property is delivered to the mortgagee, or
(c) no agreement made by instrument in writing for the sale, gift,
exchange, or mortgage of the land,
shall be valid in favour of a person who is not an agriculturist:
Provided that the Government or an officer authorized by it in this behalf
may grant permission to an agriculturist to alienate the land to a non-
agriculturist by way of sale, gift, exchange or mortgage or for such agreement
on such conditions as may be prescribed:
Provided further that nothing in this sub-section shall bar lease of land
or any other arrangement for entering into a farming or production agreement
under the provisions of any law for the time being in force for the purpose of
promotion of agriculture and improvement of land.
Explanation: For the purpose of this section ,the expression
(a) “agriculturist means a person:
(i) who cultivates land personally in the Union territory of Jammu and
Kashmir as on such date as may be notified by the Government ; or
(ii) such category of persons as maybe notified by the Government
from time to time.
(b) land means the land recorded as agricultural land including village
abadideh, by whatever name called, in the revenue records being used for
agriculture purposes or for purposes subservient to agriculture or for pasture
or being used for residential purposes in rural areas.
(c) “to cultivate land personally means to cultivate:
(i) on one’s own account;
(ii) by ones own labour;
(iii) by the labour of any member of one’s family; or
(iv) under the personal supervision of oneself or of any member of
ones family by hired labour or by servants on wages payable in
cash or kind but not in crop share.
(2) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to prohibit the
transfer of land, by any person or Government, as defined in sub-section (1) in
favour of,
(a) a land less person or a village artisan as per eligibility, residency
conditions and procedure to be prescribed and notified by the
Government ;
(b) any Government ;
(c) a Company or a Corporation or a Board established by or under a
statute and owned and controlled by the Government or a
Government Company as defined in the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of
2013) :
Provided that the land under clauses (b) and (c) is acquired through the
Government for public purpose under the relevant law in force.
(3) No Registrar or Sub-Registrar appointed under the Registration Act,
1908 (16 of 1908), shall register any document pertaining the transfer of land,
which is in contravention of sub-section (1).
(4) Where
(a) the Registrar or the Sub-Registrar, appointed under the Registration
Act, 1908 916 of 1908), before whom any document pertaining to
transfer of land is presented for registration comes to know or has
reason to believe that the transfer of land is in contravention of
sub-section (1) ;
(b) a Revenue Officer either on an application made to him or on receipt
of any information from any source comes to know or has reason to
believe that any land has been transferred or is being transferred in
contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1),
such Sub-Registrar, the Registrar or the Revenue Officer, as the case may be,
shall make reference to the Deputy Commissioner of the District in which land
or any part thereof is situated, and the Deputy Commissioner, on receipt of
such reference or otherwise on receipt of such information shall after affording
to the persons who are parties to the transfer, a reasonable opportunity of
being heard and holding an enquiry, determine whether the transfer of land is
or, is not in contravention of sub-section (1) and he shall, within three months
from the date of receipt of reference made to him, record his decision thereon
and intimate the findings to the Registrar, Sub-Registrar or the Revenue Officer
(5) The person aggrieved by the findings recorded by the Deputy
Commissioner that a particular transfer of land is in contravention of the
provisions of sub-section (1), or in absence of any decision/findings by the
Deputy Commission in three months, may within a period of 30 days from the
date on which the order of recording such findings is made by the Deputy
Commissioner or three months from the date of reference to Deputy Commission
or such longer period as the Divisional Commissioner may allow for reasons to
be recorded in writing file an appeal to the Divisional Commissioner, to whom
such Deputy Commissioner is subordinate, and the Divisional Commissioner
may, after giving the parties an opportunity of being heard of the case from the
Collector reverse, alter or confirm the order made by the Deputy Commissioner
and the order made by the Divisional Commissioner shall be final and
(6) (a) The Financial Commissioner may, either on a report of a
Revenue Officer or on an application or of his own motion,
call for the record of any proceedings which are pending
before, or have been disposed of by, any Revenue Officer
subordinate to him and in which no appeal lies thereto, for
the purpose of satisfying himself as to the legality or propriety
of such proceedings or order made therein and may pass
such order in relation thereto as he may think fit.
(b) No order shall be passed under this sub-section which
adversely affects any person unless such person has been
given an opportunity of being heard.
(7) Where the Deputy Commissioner of the District under sub-section
(6), in case an appeal is not made within the prescribed period or the Divisional
Commissioner in appeal under sub-section (7) or the Financial Commissioner
in revision, under sub section (8), decides that the transfer of land is in
contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1), such transfer shall be void
ab-initio and the land involved in such transfer together with structures,
buildings or other attachments, if any, shall, in the prescribed manner, vest in
the Government of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir free from all
(8) It shall be lawful for the Government of the Union territory of Jammu
and Kashmir to make use of the land which is vested or may be vested in it
under sub-section (4) or sub-section (9) for such purposes as it may deem fit to
do so.
(9) The provision of this section shall come into effect from a date to be
notified by the Government in the Official Gazette.
133-I. Transfer of land in favour of public trust for charitable purposes.––
Notwithstanding anything contained in section 133-H and subject to such
procedure, as may be prescribed in this regard, the Government may, by
notification in the official Gazette, allow transfer of land, as defined in said
section, in favour of eligible public trust established under law for charitable
purpose and which is non-profitable in nature.
133-J. Transfer of land for the purpose of promotion of healthcare or
education. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 133-H and subject
to such procedure, as may be prescribed in this regard, the Government may,
by notification in the official Gazette, allow transfer of land, as defined in said
section, in favour of a person or an institution for the purpose of promotion of
healthcare or senior secondary or higher or specialized education in the Union
territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
133-K. Transfer of land for industrial, commercial or housing
agricultural purposes or any other public purpose. Notwithstanding
anything contained in section 133-H and subject to such procedure, as may be
prescribed in this regard, the Government may, by notification in the official
Gazette, allow transfer of land, as defined in said section, in favour of any
person, institution or corporation, for such industrial or commercial or housing
purposes or agricultural purposes or any other public purpose as may be
notified by the Government for industrial and commercial development of the
union territory.
133-L. Transfer of land under sections 133-H, 133-I, 133-J and 133-K
subject to conditions. (1) Any non-agriculturist in whose favour land has
been transferred under sections 133-H(1) and (2)(a), 133-I, 133-J and 133-K
shall, irrespective of transfer of such land, continue to be a non-agriculturist
for the purposes of section 133-H and he shall put the land to such use for
which land has been transferred within, a period of five years :
Provided that the Government may extend the above time period for a
further period not exceeding two years on payment of penalty equal to one
percent per month of the value of the land calculated on the basis of notified
stamp duty rates applicable for such land.
(2) In case, such person fails to put the land for its intended use or
diverts, without the permission of the Government, the said use for any other
purpose or transfer by way of sale, gift or otherwise, the land so purchased by
him shall vest in the Government free from all encumbrances.]
134. Papers kept by Village officers to be deemed public documents.
(1) Any record or paper which a village officer is required by any law or by any
rule having the force of law to prepare or keep shall be deemed to be the
property of the Government.
(2) A village officer shall, with respect to any such record or paper in his
custody, be deemed for the purposes of
[the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of
1872)], to be a public officer having the custody of a public document which
any person has a right to inspect.
135. Costs. (1) A Revenue officer may award or apportion the costs of
any proceeding under this Act in any manner he thinks fit :
Provided that, if he orders that the costs of any such proceeding shall
not follow the event, he shall record his reasons for the order.
136. Restriction on Revenue officers bidding at auction or trading.(1)
[An officer of the Revenue Department] or a person employed in a Revenue
office or patwari or kanungo shall not
(a) purchase or bid for, either in person or by agent, in his own name or
that of another, or jointly or in shares with others, any property
situated within his jurisdiction which any Revenue officer or
Revenue Court has ordered to be sold, or
(b) in contravention of any rules made by the Government in this behalf,
engage in trade.
(2) Nothing in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to preclude any person
from becoming a member of a company incorporated under the Companies Act
or any law in force in the
[Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir] regarding
the incorporation of companies.
137. Power to make rules. (1) The Government may, in addition to any
other rules which may be made by it under this Act, frame rules consistent with
this Act and any other enactment for the time being in force
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for “the Evidence Act, XIII of 1977.
2. Substituted ibid for “State”.
(a) fixing the number and amount of the instalments, and the times and
places and the manner, by, at, and in which any sum other than rent
or land revenue, which is payable under this Act or of which a
record has been made thereunder, is to be paid ;
(b) fixing the dates on which profits are to be divisible by headmen, or
other persons by whom they are realised on behalf of co-sharers ;
(c) prescribing the fees to be charged for the service and execution of
processes issued by Revenue officers and Revenue Courts, the
mode in which those fees are to be collected, the number of persons
to be employed in the service, and execution of those processes,
and remuneration and duties of those persons ;
(d) regulating the procedure in cases where persons are entitled to
inspect records of Revenue officers, or records or papers in the
custody of village officers or to obtain copies of the same, and
prescribing the fees payable for searches and copies ;
(e) prescribing forms for such books, entries, statistics and accounts
as the Government thinks necessary to be kept, made or complied
in Revenue offices, or submitted to any authority;
(f) declaring what shall be the language of any of those offices; and
(g) generally for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) Until rules are made under clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) the
sums therein referred to shall be payable by instalments, at the times and
places, and in the manner by, at, and in which they are now payable.
138. Rules.The rules to be framed under this Act shall be published in
[Official Gazette] and shall take effect from such date as may be mentioned therein,
provided that such date is not less than
[fifteen days] after the publication.
138-A. The Government may by notification in the
[Official Gazette]
delegate any of its functions or powers under this Act to any person specified
in such notification.
Exclusion of Jurisdiction of Civil Courts
139. Exclusion of jurisdiction of Civil Courts in matters within the
jurisdiction of Revenue officers.Except as otherwise provided by this Act
1. Substituted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020 for “Government Gazette”.
2. Substituted by Act II of Samvat 2005 for “two months”.
(1) no Civil Court shall have jurisdiction in any matter which a Revenue
officer is empowered by this Act to dispose of or take cognizance of ;
(2) a Civil Court shall not exercise jurisdiction over any of the following
matters, namely:
(i) any question as to the limits of any land which has been
defined by a Revenue officer as land to which this Act
does or does not apply ;
(ii) any claim to compel the performance of any duties imposed
by this Act or any other enactment for the time being in
force on any Revenue officer, as such ;
(iii) any claim to the office of
[ x x x x x ] village officer or in
respect of any injury caused by exclusion from such office
or to compel the performance of the duties or a division of
the emoluments thereof ;
(iv) any notification directing the making or revision of a record-
of-right ;
(v) the framing of a record-of-rights or annual record; or the
preparation, signing or attestation of any of the documents
included in such a record ;
(vi) the correction of any entry in a record-of-rights, annual
record or register of mutations ;
(vii) any notification of the undertaking of the general re-
assessment of a district or tehsil having been sanctioned
by the Government ;
(viii) the claim of any person to be liable for an assessment of land
revenue or of any other revenue assessed under this Act ;
(ix) the amount of land revenue to be assessed on any estate
or to be paid in respect of any holding under this Act ;
(x) the amount of, or the liability of any person to pay, any other
revenue to be assessed under this Act, or any cess, charge
or rate to be assessed on an estate or holding under this Act
or any other enactment for the time being in force ;
1. Words “Kanongo Zaildar, Inamdar or” omitted by Act XV of 1972.
(xi) any claim relating to the allowance to be received by a land-
holder who has given notice of his refusal to be liable for an
assessment, or any claim connected with, or arising out of,
any proceedings taken in consequence of the refusal of any
person to be liable for an assessment under this Act ;
(xii) the formation of an estate out of waste-land ;
(xiii) any claim to hold free of revenue any land, mills, fisheries
or natural products of land or water ;
(xiv) any claim connected with, or arising out of, the collection
by the Government, or the enforcement by the Government
of any process for the recovery of land revenue, or any
sum recoverable as an arrear of land revenue ;
(xv) any claim to set aside, on any ground other than fraud, a
sale for the recovery of an arrear of land revenue or any
sum recoverable as an arrear of land revenue ;
(xvi) the amount of, or the liability of any person to pay any fees,
fines, costs or other charges imposed under this Act ;
(xvii) any claim for partition of an estate, holding or tenancy, or
any question connected with, or arising out of, proceedings
for partition, unless such question is to be determined by a
Civil Court as a question of title arising out of the said
proceedings ;
(xviii) any question as to the allotment of land on the partition of
an estate, holding or tenancy, or as to the distribution of
land revenue on the partition of an estate or holding, or as
to the distribution of rent on the partition of a tenancy ;
(xix) any claim to set aside or disturb a division or appraiserment
of produce confirmed or varied by a Revenue officer under
this Act ;
(xx) any question relating to the preparation of a list of village
cesses or the imposition by the Government of conditions
on the collection of such cesses ;
(xxi) any proceedings under this Act for the commutation of the
dues of a superior land-holder ;
(xxii) any claim arising out of the enforcement of an agreement to
render public service in lieu of payment of land revenue ;
(xxiii) any claim arising out of the liability of an assignee of land
revenue to pay a share of the cost of collecting or re-
assessing such revenue, or arising out of the liability of an
assignee to pay out of assigned land revenue, or of a person
who would be liable for land revenue if it had not been
released, compounded for or redeemed to pay on the land
revenue for which he would but for such release,
composition or redemption be liable, such a percentage for
the remuneration of a Zaildar, Inamdar or village officer as
may be prescribed by rules for the time being in force under
this Act ; and
[(xxiv) the claim of any person for declaring ownership or any
right in respect of grazing land and other prohibited
Shamilat lands.]
[140. Repeal. –(1) The following Acts and all rules thereunder and orders
previously issued regarding matters dealt with in these Acts so far as they may
be repugnant to this Act, shall be considered to have been repealed:–
(a) The Jammu and Kashmir Alienation of Land Act, Samvat 1995 ;
(b) The Jammu and Kashmir Big Landed Estates Abolition Act, Samvat
2007 ;
(c) The Jammu and Kashmir Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1956 ;
(d) The Jammu and Kashmir Consolidation of Holding Act, 1962 ;
(e) The Jammu and Kashmir Land Improvement Schemes Act, 1972 ;
(f) The Jammu and Kashmir Prevention of Fragmentation of
Agricultural Holdings Act, 1960 ;
(g) The Jammu and Kashmir Prohibition of Conversion of Land and
Alienation of Orchards Act, 1975 ;
(h) The Jammu and Kashmir Tenancy (Stay of Ejectment Proceedings)
Act, 1966 ;
1. Clause (XXIV) added by Act XV of 1972.
2. Sections 140, 140-A and 141 inserted by S.O. 3808(E) dated 26.10.2020.
(i) The Jammu and Kashmir Tenancy Act, Svt.1980 ;
(j) The Jammu and Kashmir Utilization of Lands Act, Svt. 2010.
(2) The Financial Commissioner Revenue shall prepare details of all
pending and residual issues due to repeal of the Acts as mentioned in sub-
section (1) and place it before the Board and the Board shall accordingly take
all possible steps for expeditious resolution of disputes and shall ensure final
adjudication by the 31st March, 2021 of all the residual matters on fast track
basis in the manner provided in sub-section (3).
(3) All pending disputes, cases, litigations and other residual matters
under the repealed laws mentioned in sub-section (1) shall be disposed of by
any one or more of the following methods, namely:
(a) by negotiation or third party mediation or conciliation or arbitration
where no Government interest is involved ;
(b) by referring to Lok Adalat in consultation with standing counsel
where no Government interest is involved.
(4) The Board shall be competent to delegate the powers to the Revenue
officers for expeditious disposal of cases as it may deem fit.
140-A. Regularization of certain cases of unauthorised occupation.
(1) The Government may make rules for regularisation of unauthorised
occupation, if any, arising on account of repeal of Acts under sub section (1)
of section 140 :
Provided that such regularization may be permitted subject to payment
of levy or fees to the Government at a rate not less than the fifty percent of the
circle rate notified by the Government for such type of land in the particular
area :
Provided further that no such regularization shall be permitted after 31st
December, 2021.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done, any action taken, any
order or notification issued, under any of the provisions of law repealed under
sub-section (1) of section 140 shall be deemed to have been done, taken or
issued under the corresponding provisions of this Act, as if such provisions
of this Act were in force on the day such thing was done, action was taken or
order or notification was issued.
141. Removal of difficulties. If any difficulty arises in giving the effect
to the provisions of this Act, the Government may by Order, published in the
Official Gazette, make such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act, as it appears to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing
the difficulty.]